Beat -Chat Noir x Reader

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Warning: Abuse

Your point of view (POV)

Numb. That's what I felt. Numb. Even the fresh red stains all over my body and the bruises starting to form felt distant. Tears wouldn't come out or form in my eyes. I couldn't even cry.

Entering my bedroom, my legs dragged me to the bed. I sat at the edge, head hung low, and spinning as a headache from the previous event started to form. I blinked, a deep frown stuck to my lips.

Your fault. It's your fault. Everything's your fault. you're a mess up. A mistake in this world! A mistake!

The words recited in my head like a broken radio, the memories of each hit, each slap, after every sentence of imperfect and dreadful thing I have known about myself thrown at me. The harsh smack to my thigh from a shoe carelessly thrown at me. A wet heavy cloth used to clean slicing my skin.

And all I did was take it. Take it like the useless thing I am. A mistake.

I blinked slowly and took a breathe, wincing as the blow I got there stung on my chest. The heavy dread just becoming heavier for me to lift. Heavier and bigger to brush off like I always do with a fake grin and sparkly eyes.

Now, my eyes were dull, heart heavy, head spinning, body numb. I didn't know what to do, didn't want to move, couldn't from the pain in my legs that I so carelessly ignored as I was left home alone to deal with my feelings. Alone.

My breath was coming out unsteadily but quietly, the occasional sounds of cars or motorcycles heard from the streets down below every few minutes. My bedroom was dark, the only light coming from the moonlight, offering a dim light that faced my back.

A shadow of a person blocked the window to my balcony behind me. I turned, already expecting it would be the black cat superhero. He looked happy, with a wide grin plastered on his lips, eyes shimmering in joy. The complete opposite of me. A sad mistake.

He knocked on the tinted glass which made me able to see him but block his view from outside. I tried to put on a smile, but my body wouldn't respond to my brain. I didn't want to open the glass and let him see me like this but he looked so... happy.

I sighed softly, eyes still dull as I got up, groaning breathily as my headache became worse. I tried my hardest and lifted the corners of my lips in a smile, opening the sliding glass as I got greeted by a cheerful black cat.

"Hello, Princess!"

"Hey, Chat! You look happy." I smiled, letting him in. He nodded and walked inside, instantly making me feel he felt something was off.

"Oh yeah, I am. But are you?" He turned to look at me and I gulped but nodded.

Am I making it this obvious? Am I not doing it right?

"Yeah, I'm fine, really. I just turned off the lights because I was going to sleep. Yeah." I rubbed the back of my neck, widening my smile to make him feel better.

A frown replaced his grin and his ears drooped. He came closer to me and cupped my cheeks with both his hands making me freeze.

He made me look at him and I shivered in his hold, my fingertips fidgeting at my sides. I blinked fast, trying to keep my tears at bay, my bottom lip starting to quiver as my throat tightened. I shook my head, placing my shivering hands on his to try and take them down and forcing a weak smile on my features.

"It's- it's okay. Really." I muttered.

Before I could do anything he crushed me in a hug, his hand settling on the back of my head to put it on his shoulder, his other arm wrapping around my waist. I shivered violently in his hold, shaking my head rapidly, trying to push him back but he just held on tightly as I felt tears finally escape my eye and sliding down my cheek.

"It's okay. Let it out. I'm here for you." I shook my head as my first loud sob left my mouth, my knees giving out as we slid down to the ground, his arms still holding me tight, tears and sobs that were caged in now escaping.

Snot, tears, and drool dropped on his shoulder but he didn't seem to mind and shushed me softly, his chin resting on the crown of my head, his hand on my lower back rubbed slowly up down to help me calm down.

And I let it all out in his arms that night, for the first time not masking my feelings or having to worry about ruining anyone's day.

"It's okay. Sometimes you can be yourself, no fake smiles, fake laughs, masking feelings. With me, you can be yourself because I love you the way you are. You're an angel. My angel. And no one saying otherwise will change my mind." He kissed the crown of my head and I sniffled, my shoulders slacking down after a while.

I took shaky breaths as my body leaned against his body, now tired and drained. He picked me up from the ground, laying me down on my bed and draping my blanket over my exhausted physique.

I felt him lean down, lips ghosting over my temple, his hand gently moving my hair aside and ever so lovingly laying a kiss that lingered longer than a normal peck.

"You're amazing, I just wish," He mumbled, "That one day, you will see what I see. I love you." He kissed the top of my head this time and after that, I fell into a deep slumber.


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