First Date -Chat Noir x Ladybug

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Requested by @miraculous_fanfictions298 on Instagram!

A ladynoir first date

This is turned out to be so cliche and cute so deal with it🤧

Warnings: Fluffinesss

This is going to be written in Marinette's point of view (POV) I hope this is what you wished for!! :D


"Miraculous Ladybuuug!!" I yell out when I flung the lucky charm in the air, causing everything to get repaired.

"Pound it!" Chat and I hit our fists together and I was about to take off but halted when Chat clasped onto my wrist, affecting in me blushing a crimson red.

Yes, I have developed feelings for the black cat and constantly blushed whenever we made skin contact. And him now clutching onto my wrist wasn't boosting my enthusiasm but completely reducing it.

"M'lady I wanted to ask you this for so long and I know that you might not like this but..." He evidently takes in a deep breath and allows it out as a sigh.

"Will you go on a date with me?" He peeks a glance at me and I could make up the evident rosiness under his mask.

"I understand if you don't want to and I will even stop if I'm annoying you-" He started to ramble but I cut him off placing my index and middle finger on his lips.

"Yes." I smile softly and his head tilts up so quickly making me giggle. His smile lit up and his ears stood up on top of his head causing him to be cuter.

"Really!? Oh my God, you accepted I can't believe it. The love of my life approved on going on a date with me!!" I giggle at his excitement.

"Yes, I did kitty. But where exactly are we meeting up and when?"

"Meet me right here tonight at 7 and I'll take you blindfolded cause it's a surprise!" I shake my head but nod after it.

"Ok kitty, meet you tonight!" I kiss his cheek and leap away, of course not losing the chance to take a glance at the flushed cat with his hand on his cheek where I kissed him.

Silly kitty.

~Magical Timeskip~

"Marinette it's 6:57!!" Tikki exclaimed and I lunged out of my chair to do check my phone.


After I have transformed, I leaped out of my window and headed towards the building Chat told me to meet him at.

When I arrived at the building's roof I weirdly didn't detect anyone around in the roof.

"Chat? I'm sorry I was late, I didn't watch the ti- EEE-" I yelp when a blindfold is draped around my eyes and a voice speaks in my ear sending a shiver down my spine.

"Hey m'lady." He purred in my ear and I unknowingly gulped.

"H-Hey..." I felt my cheeks flush in red and gasped when I felt him carrying me up bridal style.

"Hold on tight bugaboo." I encircled my arms around his neck then felt him jump on roofs, heading towards our little date area I assume.

"We're here." I feel him position me back on the ground and take the blindfold off but not before telling me to close my eyes and I do.

"Ok, come here." He clasps my hand and I blush at the contact even if there was a skin-tight suit covering our hands, it still felt pleasant.

"You can open your eyes now!" I do and gasp at the sight in front of me.

Right there on the top of a small hill with trees all encircling it was a small picnic blanket with a basket with food and a gorgeous view of the Eiffel Tower's light at night. It was truly a wonderful sight.

"Aw, Chat this is wonderful. Thank you." I envelop him in a hug and feel him tense under my touch but soon wrapped his arms around my back, returning the hug.

"I'm glad you like it, now shall we?" He breaks the hug and offers me his hand and with a giggle leaving my lips I accept it and place my small hand in his much bigger one.

He leads us to the blanket and we both sit down, beginning to eat the delicious food he brought which consisted of a few homemade sandwiches which taste amazing might I add and juice.

"How did you find this place, kitty?" I ask him taking a sip of my juice.

"I always come here in my superhero form to calm down and forget about the environment I was in. This place always reminded me of you which was an added bonus. Because of you, I calm down and feel optimistic about life." I internally awed at his little speech and lean my head into his shoulder.

"I like you, m'lady." I look up at him in awe at his words and then surprise myself when I lean up and press my lips onto his causing him to gasp out of shock but he eventually kisses back and places his hand softly on my cheek.

"I like you too," I whisper and kiss his soft lips again in this beautiful night.


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