Gym -Adrien x Marinette

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This was requested by Ave107

Can you do one where they show their skills in school (like in gym class or something) and every one is like "how do you do that" and they are just like "it's you"
Let me rephrase. Can you do a oneshot where Adrien and Marinette show off their skills the have learned from being ladybug and chat noir at school (like in gym class or something) and everyone is like wow

I'm sorry it's been more than 3 weeks since the request so please forgive me. I just had a lot of stuff going on and couldn't find the time to write :(  I'm really sorry but here it is! I hope you enjoy it!

This is also written from Marinette's point of view (POV). Enjoy!

Warnings: None


"Wow! That was AMAZING!! How did you even do that Adrien?!" Kim exclaimed excitedly, punching Adrien's shoulder after their race. The boys had a race around the gym and Adrien was surprisingly the fastest one out of all the guys and was ahead of them by a few feet the entire race and didn't bat a sweat.

"Uh, by practicing?" He giggled nervously while rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"I don't know how he did that so easily but it's the girls' time now girl so stop ogling model boy over there and get ready!" Alya teased and proceeded to wink at me and head over to the girls who were now standing at the start line getting ready.

I felt my cheeks flush and shook my head vigorously and let out a sigh. I sauntered over and stood at the start line beside all the girls.

Our teacher then gave us the signal and we were off. It seemed easy enough and I was getting ahead of everyone pretty... easily.

"Good job Marinette! You and Adrien seemed to push yourselves to your limits today!" My teacher praised and lightly slapped my back then walked away to talk with a student.

"Wow Marinette, how are you and Adrien so competitive today?! You two had won the races like they were nothing!" Alex exclaimed with wide eyes in amazement as all the girls surrounded me.

"Uh, well because of p-practice?" I nervously rubbed the back of my head, attempting to come up with an excuse other than telling them I got this fit because I'm Ladybug.

"Well if it is then you have been practicing a lot!" Alex cheered, placing her hand on my shoulder.


"Okay guys and girls, everyone get in position cause you're playing Dodgeball next! The girls against the boys!" Our teacher announced and everyone went to take a sip of water and freshen up.

"Okay, let's do this girls!" Alya cheered.

We all then went and took position and when the teacher whistled, the game started. I was dodging all the balls thrown at me swiftly like I was used to it and so was Adrien. Time went by and before I know it, Adrien and I were the last ones standing. The guys were cheering him and the girls were cheering me.

We just stood there. Trying to contemplate the other's move but after a while, I thought of moving and threw a dodgeball at him. Surprisingly, he had fast reflexes and dodged it at the last instant. He threw a ball but I quickly dodged it as well.

"Come on, dude! Win it for us!!" Nino cheered his best friend and Adrien smirked at me.

"Girl you better win!!!" Alya shouted.

I kept dodging all the balls that Adrien kept throwing at me and he kept dodging the ones I threw at him as well.

I started panting as exhaustion started to slowly take over me. "What's wrong, Marinette? Feeling tired already?" He joked, dodging a ball I threw and throwing one at me. I was able to dodge it at the last second and stood back up.

We stared intensely at each other and threw a ball at the same time. I was too slow to dodge it and it hit me in the arm, but Adrien was too slow too and it hit his leg when he tried to move away.

Our teacher whistled, ending the game. "Okay, I never saw anything like that before. You two were swift in your movements. It's like you had adrenaline running through your vines!" He placed his chin on his hand. "But I can't say there's a winner though. So it was a tie!" Everyone 'awed' in disappointment.

Adrien stood up and ran over to me, lending me his hand. "Need help?" He smiled and I felt my cheeks flush and raised my hand and put it in his bigger one. He hoisted me up and I thanked him, looking at the floor.

"This was fun! It was nice to play with you Marinette!" He grins widely and I internally awe at his cuteness.

"I-It was n-nice playing with you too, Adrien!!"

"Dude you gotta teach me how you did that!" Nino attacks Adrien from behind and Adrien laughs.

"Girl you two rocked this entire gym class! You were AMAZING!!" Alya exclaimed in amazement. I giggled and rubbed the back of my head as everyone continued asking me and praising me.


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