Boyfriend -Adrien x Marinette

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Requested by @miraculous_fan04 on Instagram!

Ooooh maybe a daughter or son getting a bf or gf and telling adrienette

Warning: Fluff and mention of sex but non written

Hope this is what you wished for! This is also going to be in Marinette's point of view (POV) Hope you enjoy! This is also a bit different from the request since I didn't have an idea on what to write so I really hope it's ok!


I let out a big sigh when I had finally finished the dishes in the sink. The dinner yesterday had some of our friends visit us so we used a lot of plates, cups and you know what I mean.

I was too tired to do them yesterday but then when I woke up, I went straight to the kitchen to do the dishes but not without doing my normal morning routine first of course.

I dried my hands with a towel and then felt arms wrap around my waist from behind and kisses landing on my shoulder causing me to giggle, already knowing who it is.

"Good morning, princess." His voice was still a bit husky from sleeping and I didn't mind since it sounded kind of nice.

"Good morning, kitty." I turned around in his arms and played with his hair as he kept kissing my shoulder and sometimes going to my neck.

"Ew! Get a room! Ugh." I pushed Adrien off of me gently to see my 15 year old daughter, Emma, rolling her eyes and eating her breakfast which really only consisted of a sandwich and a juice box.

"We already are in one." Adrien smirked at her and she rolled her eyes as I giggled shaking my head.

I pecked Adrien's cheek, kissed Emma's forehead and headed upstairs to take a shower. Today was Saturday and I thankfully didn't have to go to work today since it was my day off, even for Adrien since he took a break every week on Saturday from modeling.

When I finished my shower and walked out of mine and Adrien's room, heading to the stairs I heard Emma talking in her room and went to take a peek and noticed she was twirling a piece of hair between her fingers and even stuttered a lot.

"Yeah, m-meet you there! I-I Love you." She smiled and I heard a faint 'I love you too.' From the other line of the phone that sounded like a male.

I raised an eyebrow and leaned against her door frame smirking.

"So, anyone has something to tell me?" Her head turned towards me so quickly I had to stifle a laugh when I saw her face and noticed she was blushing.

"M-mom!? U-Uh, there's n-nothing to t-tell you!!" She threw her phone away on her bed and stared down with her blush reaching her ears.

I giggled and walked inside her room, closing the door behind me and sitting on her bed, patting the spot next to me so she sits beside me and she does.

"Here, I'm going to tell you a secret." Her face turned into one of curiosity and she leaned close to me with her eyes big.

"When I was your age, I always blushed and stuttered whenever I saw my high school crush which was your father. Believe me when I say I know how it feels for you with your crush-"

"He's not my crush." She muttered and I stared at her with my eyebrows furrowed, "He's my boyfriend if you couldn't tell by the 'I love you' that I'm pretty sure you heard." My eyes widened and I smiled widely.

"From since when?" I ask with wide eyes.

"Three months ago... please let me be with him mom! We really like each other." She pleads with a frown on her face. My shocked face softens and I smile genuinely at her.

"Of course I'll let you be with him."

"Be with who?" We gasp and look infront of us only to see Adrien leaning against the door frame with his eyebrow riased.

"D-dad I-uh..." I sigh after the shock had warn off and explained everything to Adrien.

"So you're telling me that my little princess has a boyfriend?" Emma and I nod.

"Please don't separate us. I know I should have told you and mom sooner but I was scared you won't let me be with him." She frowns and hangs her head low.

Adrien smiles softly and kneels down infront of her and raises her chin to look at him.

"I won't do anything but if he hurts my little princess then I'm gonna kill him." I laugh at his daddy protective side and shake my head as Emma's face lights up and she hugs him and runs out of the room yelling out she will be back in a few hours after hanging out with her boyfriend.

"I'm gonna kill him if he thinks to do anything funny with her." I shake my head once again and turn his head towards me and lean my forehead against his.

"I know. Now why don't we have a bit of fun since we're all alone and will be for hours hmm?" A smirk dominates his facial features when he understood what I was up to.

I let out a laugh as he picks me up and runs towards our room. He really was impatient.


Aaaand the fun began ;))))))

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