Friends -Cat!Adrien x Cat!Marinette

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I wanted to write this so bad so here it is! XD Hope you enjoy!

Warning: Fluff, fluff and more fluff


Adrien's feet paddled against the wet ground as he went on a search for food after the big storm had happened. He was scared of the water and so he ran off and hid under a car.

He went on his search for food since he hasn't eaten in so long. And like it was his lucky day, He found a small piece of meat laying on a plate. He came closer to it and sniffed it and that's when he sensed a human close to him and jumped away from the human but not really causing them to run away.

"It's ok little kitty, that's food for you. I won't hurt you." They put their hand up and Adrien carefully approached the human and sniffed their hand. He then knew the human was friendly and leaned into the human's hand.

The human pet him for a few minutes until Adrien then broke it off and went to eat the meat laying on the plate.

"Come on sweetie! It's time to go!" The human awed in sadness but still complied to their mother and got up.

"Bye bye kitty!!" They exclaimed and ran to their mom. Adrien kept eating his meal until he heard a meow but not any meow, a distressed one. A cat out there needed help and it sounded close so Adrien took the piece of meat with him and hid it somewhere safe then headed towards where the small calls of help came from.

"Help!" When he came closer to the calls his feet stopped immediately at the sight of a beautiful female cat with snow white fur and blue bell eyes.

Her left leg was stuck under what seemed to be a big speaker that was thrown beside the garbage.

"Help me!" She called out and Adrien went running towards her. He tried to slide the speaker off of her legs and she even tried to move a bit to try and shake it but nothing was working.

Adrien then stared into the cat's eyes. She was pleading him with her eyes to help her, he could even see that she was in a lot of pain. And then he got an idea and went running towards a place close from where the stuck cat is.

When he arrived, he was met with a few other cats and told them he needed help rescuing a cat that had their leg stuck and they agreed and went behind Adrien to the white furred cat.

"We're gonna help you!" She turned her head and noticed at least 4 cats, Adrien being one of them, running towards her. They all the grouped up and were able to move the speaker off the female cat's leg.

The white cat then jumped away once she was free but winced and laid down, licking her leg that had a few scratches. The three cats then walked away after Adrien thanked them and staid and sat down beside her.

"Hey, you ok?" He asked tilting his head. Concern shown on his face.

"Yes I'm fine, thank you." She then licked his cheek and he blushed under his fur.

"My name's Adrien. Y-You?"

"Marinette. Nice to meet you Adrien." She smiled. A gust of wind hit them and Adrien noticed Marinette shiver. He took a deep breath and laid closer beside Marinette.

She then felt warmth and snuggled into him, causing him to blush harder. He was so glad his fur was able to hide his blush.

"Wanna be friends?" Adrien mumbled. She nodded her head and snuggled closer to him.

"Oh and wait here just a second." Adrien then left her and went to the place he was hiding the small piece of meat he got from the humans and brought it to Marinette and laid it on the ground.

"For me?" She asked and looked up at him.

"Yup. Eat up." She smiled and licked his cheek again in thank you and started to eat. Adrien's blush sure looked like it was about to be visible through his fur anytime soon.


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