Hair down -Chat Noir x Marinette

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Soooooo yeahhhhh I saw this pic and I had to write a oneshot... ha!

This is also written from Marinette's point of view (POV). Hope you enjoy it!

Warnings: Fluff and a little makeout session ;)


The cold air in my bedroom hit me once I exited my bathroom after taking a steamy hot shower after a long fight as Ladybug. It took long to defeat the villain today. Longer than any other villain we even faced but we defeated them in the end and won as always.

My towel was wrapped around my body as I headed towards my closet to wear my pajamas since I was gonna sleep in just an hour and Tikki was already sound asleep in her little cute bed I made for her and she looked adorable while snuggled in her little red blanket that had black dots on it, referring to a ladybug which was perfect for her.

I leaped up in the air and let out a little scream when a knock was heard from my trap window above my bed. My hair was still a bit wet and wasn't tied up but I was luckily finished with dressing up.

I went to open my trap window and widened my eyes once I spotted Chat Noir standing on my balcony, his back facing me while he flexed his arms, showing off to himself while I suppressed the urge to giggle.

"Uh, Chat?" I let a small giggle slip from my lips and he whipped around to face me and instantly scratched his neck in embarrassment when he realized he was caught.

"Oh hey, princess!" He exclaims, giggling nervously still scratching the back of his neck.

"Hey, kitty." I giggle at his kinda cute behavior and crawl up to stand on my balcony beside him. "What are you doing he-"

"Your hair..." He cuts me off and stares in awe at my wet hair that still isn't tied.

"Yeah, I just took a shower until you showed up so I didn't have time to tie it." I giggle nervously.

He steps towards me, his hand floating up but stopped when it neared my hair and he glanced at me, "Can I?" He asked and I nodded with a soft smile on my face. His lips perked up into a wide smile and he ran his fingers softly through my hair and I oddly felt relaxed.

I then gasped when he held me up and sat us down on my small lounge chair on the balcony, me sitting on his lap.

"Chaaaatt!" I whined, trying to get away from his strong grip but he was much stronger than me and kept a tight hold around my waist.

"What? You look cute with your hair like this." He smirks smugly, his hand stroking my cheek. "I don't look cute," I grumbled while crossing my arms over my chest, feeling my cheeks flush in embarrassment.

"You look cute when you blush too you know." He winked, and I felt my whole face flame up like it was on fire.

"Shut up I don't!" I whined, scowling, and looking away as I tried to push myself off his lap but he wouldn't budge.

"You are!" He pushed. 

"No, I'm not!" I whined. He wrapped his arm that wasn't playing with my hair around my waist proceeding to pull me closer to his body. I blushed once I felt his chest press against me and placed my hands on his shoulders to steady myself, already knowing that Chat won't let go.

"You're so beautiful and nothing will ever change that." He mumbled, his lips practically brushing my own.

"Fine." I mumble, "Y-You win." A little squeak leaves my lips the moment his lips crashed into mine.

I kissed back a second later and felt his arm around my waist tighten and pull me even closer to his body if possible. 

I felt a rush of excitement run through my body and felt him lick my bottom lip asking for permission which I granted. I soon felt his tongue slip into my mouth caressing mine gently as I sighed softly into his mouth.

His hand which was playing with the ends of my hair went to the back of my head and pulled my head closer to his. We pulled apart breathing heavily, our eyes staring deep into the other's as my eyes slowly started to droop.

"You're cute all flustered up you know." He breathed, a smirk taking over his features.

"S-Shut up!" He laughed and I joined him, both of us enjoying our time together.


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