Reunited -Adrien x Marinette

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So I got inspired to write this cute one-shot by a video the Dolan Twins had posted: 'Reunited with my girlfriend'.  I just thought it would be cute to do this so here we go.

This is also an AU so there are no superheroes and villains and any of this stuff. This is also written from Marinette's point of view (POV) but it will change from here and there. I hope you enjoy it!

Warnings: A little angst at the start but then fluffy as a puppy

(Ps, this is actually a oneshot I wrote a few weeks ago and I just uploaded it after proofreading it. I can't write a whole oneshot now cuz my exams are close.)


Marinette's POV

"We'll see each other again, I promise you this, princess."

These words were the last ones I heard from Adrien face to face before he boarded his plane to New York 6 months ago. 6 months. We haven't been able to call or chat because of his busy schedule and I gradually began realizing how apart and distant we have been lately.

Being apart for this long was tearing me apart from him. The only person who made me believe in myself. The person who made me see the world as a wonderful place. All because he was in it. I wished he would call me, text me, anything. Just to make me believe that we were as strong before he flew to New York.

As if on cue, my phone rang beside me on the coffee table in my apartment. I slowly reached out and took a deep breath but let it out as a saddened sigh when I saw the caller ID.

I answered, "Hey girl, me and Nino are gonna be going shopping today. Come with us, it will be fun!" Alya's cheerful voice rang in my ears and I looked down at my toes where I was sitting on the couch feeling numb.

"Sorry, Alya but I don't feel like it." I deadpanned, shrugging off my shoulders. I didn't want to be a third wheel since that wasn't at all fun.

"Oh come on, it will be fun. We're coming to pick you up!"

"But-" Before I could speak my mind, the sound of the repeated ring from the phone signaling she hung up rung in my ears and I sighed, pulling the phone away and walking towards my room.

"Might as well get ready," I mumbled and searched my wardrobe lazily, deciding on a plain pink shirt with light blue jeans and putting them on.

After finishing, I picked up my phone from the bed and opened it, going right to the messenger app. I clicked on Adrien's and I's chat, typing down a small greeting, telling him how much I missed him and that I hope he's safe. My finger hovered over the send button, feeling hesitant but I exhaled and pressed it.

It got sent and I left the app as soon as it was delivered and threw my phone on the bed, sitting down and burring my face in my hands.

A few minutes had passed making me think he didn't see it yet or didn't have time to reply but then...


My head spun around to face my lit phone screen, Adrien's name displayed there with a message he sent.

Adrien <3: "Hey princess, I miss you too. You don't know what I just did to be able to answer you but I'm glad I did it. I love you, and I know you might think we might not make it but no. Don't ever think that. It's hard I know but soon, we'll see each other. Soon. Love you, Marinette <3."

I sniffed, pulling the phone to me, and hugged it close to my chest. Adrien went offline just as soon as he replied and I guessed he had to go back to what he was doing before.

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