Dating Adrien would include

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Here are a couple of references I wanted to write lol. Tell me if I should do it with any other character or do a part 2 to this and I will do it! Enjoy!


-You would be sad when he has to go to his photoshoots for hours but he would come back sometimes late at night and cuddle you to sleep.

-You wake up in the morning snuggled into him and would feel lazy to get up so you keep cuddling.

-He would always whine and complain about you not letting him wake up.

-But you would always just stay quiet and clutch unto him until he gives in.

-After a few minutes of cuddling, you would both wake up to get ready for the day.

-He loves it when he sees you putting on some croissants for him to eat after he takes his daily morning shower.

-He always showers you in kisses when you surprise him with the croissants and you love it ;)

-He would always feel protective of you in school knowing a lot of guys like to flirt with you.

-He once even transformed into Chat Noir and faced the stupid perverts warning them to back off(You know he's Chat).

-The guys stopped but still kept gawking at you from a distance but would glance away as soon as Adrien glares hard at them.

-He hates it when you fight.

-You would get emotional and start crying when he yells at you louder than you expected.

-But he would instantly engulf you in a big bear hug as you cry softly into his chest.

-You would try to protest and get out of his hold but he's much stronger than you and you give up in the end.

-He showers you with teddy bears, flowers, and chocolate he knows you love, begging for your forgiveness.

-You would giggle and tell him its okay but he wouldn't stop and says you deserve everything.

-He cuddles you all night and occasionally kisses your neck knowing its your weak spot.

-A lot of makeout sessions while watching a romantic movie at night, snuggled in bed ;)

-He would always remind you of how perfect you are and you would always do the same.


I think I'm in love with my own writing-

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