Truth or dare - Juleka x Rose

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Requested by Divadancerscarlett

maybe if your still doing request can you do Juluka x Rose?
maybe a truth or dare with the whole class maybe at a sleepover and the rest you can do and it would be even better if you do other ships. like truths and dares for the other classmates (you can choose the other ships ) and maybe make chloe nice bc that would make it even more interesting (sorry if thats to much)
also can you make the Juluka x Rose some-what romantic

This is written in the third person point of view (POV). Hope you enjoy it!!

Warnings: Fluff and a lot of ships


"Guys! I have an idea!" Alya spoke to the girls and boys surrounding Adrien's large room. She planned a sleepover asking if it was okay if they did it in Adrien's place since it was spacious and he accepted as did the other students, eagerly.

Their heads turned to face Alya standing in the middle of the room to get everyone's attention. "What is it, Alya?" Marinette asked with a tilt of her head waiting for her best friend to answer.

"Let's play Truth or dare!" Everyone got excited at the idea and agreed. All of them sat in a circle on Adrien's floor as she went to get a bottle to spin and came back right after retrieving one and taking a seat beside Marinette.

"I'll go first!" She exclaimed and spun the bottle. It landed on Alex and everyone's gazes went to her. "Truth or dare skater girl?"

"Dare." She spoke with a smug look on her features but a smirk took over Alya's face.

"I dare you to sit on Kim's lap for 5 rounds." Everyone oohed as her cheeks got tinted with a slight shade of pink. She scoffed and stood up, walking to Kim and plopping herself down on his lap as he stiffened and blushed a crimson red.

Alya handed the bottle to Alex for her to spin and she did. It ended up landing on Max. "Max truth or dare?" She asked as he propped up his glasses on his nose and replied, "Truth."

"Do you have a crush in this class?"

"W-Well, yes. Yes, I do." He answered, a slight tint of pink coloring his cheeks. Everyone oohed once again, and he hung his head low while also pushing up his glasses. He then took the bottle and spun it. It ended up landing on Marinette.

"Marinette, truth or dare?"

"Uh- um-" She stuttered. "D-Dare...?" He smirked and sat up straight. "I dare you to kiss your crush. On the lips." Her face turned crimson and Alya snickered quietly and nudged her best friend. Marinette cleared her throat and crawled towards Adrien, his eyes widening and a blush took over his cheeks.

"M-Marinette-?" She settled right in front of him and asked looking away, "Is it o-okay, Adrien?" He nodded and she kissed him and pulled away but he drew her right back in for a few more seconds then broke the kiss as she withdrew back into her spot with flushed cheeks as her girl friends gave ever knowing looks and the boys cheered Adrien as he rubbed the back of his neck.

She spun the bottle and it landed on Rose. "Truth or dare Rose?" She still felt the blush on her face but tried to ignore it as best as she can.

"Dare!!" She exclaimed with a grin.

"I dare you to..." Marinette put on a thinking face, trying to find a dare for Rose. Alya then leaned into her best friend's side and whispered into her ear. Marinette nodded as Alya leaned back. "I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with Juleka!"

Juleka blushed and hung her head low, her hair covering her face instantly. "Okay!" Rose exclaimed with a grin and took Juleka's arm and helped her stand up as they were led to a closet. Alya closed the door and locked it.

"S-So uh-" Juleka stammered over her words, blushing a crimson red with her face turned away from Rose in embarrassment. Rose grinned joyfully and turned Juleka's head towards her and leaned up to kiss her cheek, only causing the purple-haired girl to blush a deeper crimson.

"Don't be shy! We're together right?" Rose giggled, her smile widening showing off her white teeth and a glint in her eyes.

Juleka took a deep breath and leaned in to kiss Rose straight on the mouth making the pink-haired girl let out a squeak in surprise as she kissed back sweetly.

Their lips moved lightly against each other for a few seconds until they had to separate for air and blushed. Rose touched her lips with her index and middle finger with a small faint smile still plastered on her pink lips.

She giggled after seeing Juleka with a red face and pulled her in for a hug and gave a light peck to her neck making the girl's blush spread to her ears. Rose pulled back and kissed her again, not rushing it.

"You're so cute!" Rose exclaimed hushedly, not intending to be loud. Juleka blushed. "Y-Yoo too. I-I love you." She mumbled the last 3 words and Rose grinned.

"I love you too!" She giggled and went in for another sweet kiss.


The timer went off in Alya's pocket and she pulled it out to turn it off. She stood up to go open the door as the other girls and boys behind her followed. She opened the door after reaching it and everyone was either surprised or smug about what they witnessed.

Rose and Juleka, kissing softly in the closet but separating instantly when the door opened with flushed cheeks and wide eyes.

Everyone oohed, making the girls feel embarrassed and shy. Well, only Juleka as Rose kept a wide grin on her face and gave a wink to her girlfriend making her hide her face with her long hair.

"So, had fun?" Alya nudged Juleka in a teasing way and had the satisfaction of watching the girl's face turn crimson red causing her to erupt out in laughter.


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