Homework -Chat Noir x Marinette

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I'm a hopeless Marichat shipper so you better expect more of these >.<
Hope you enjoy it!

Warning: Fluff


Marinette groaned and dropped her face on her book. She was trying to do the Physics homework but it was too hard and it just gave her a headache for hours.

"Come on Marinette. Just take a deep bre-"

"THAT'S WHAT I HAVE BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST FEW HOURS!!!" Marinette snapped causing Tikki's eyes to widen at her owner's sudden outburst.

Marinette's face changed into one of a guilty, "I-I'm sorry Tikki." She sighed out and rubbed her head, "The physics homework is so hard, it's giving me a headache." Tikki nodded in understanding and hugged Marinette's cheek.

"It's ok Marinette. I know it's stressing you out. What about you just take a small break?"

"I don't know Tikki. This homework must be done and submitted tomorrow and it's now already 5 pm and I still can't get the answer of this." She gestures towards her book with her hands.

"Mayb-" But Before Tikki could continue, a knock was heard on her trap door above her bunk bed.

Tikki quickly went and hid as Marinette climbed up the stairs leading to her bed. She opened up the trap door and was greeted with the sight of Chat Noir kneeled down with his hand up in a fist looking ready to knock again but he retreated it when Marinette opened the trap window.

"Hey puurrincess." She rolled her eyes playfully but let him in and he jumped on her bed as she closed the trap door.

"Hey Chat. What are you doing here?" She raises an eyebrow. He only shrugs with a smile on his lips.

"I just wanted to visit my princess stuck in her lonely tower." He spoke dramatically and Marinette let out a giggle at his joke.

"Uh-huh. But now I'm stressing over my Physics homework that needs to be done today and submitted tomorrow so I'll need some peace for myself to study and think." He looks over her shoulder and down at her desk and sees the books and pins scattered all around her desk.

"Want help? I am pretty good in physics if I do say so myself." Marinette's eyes widened at his offer.

"You really are?"

"Yup. I'm the top of my class." He proudly smiles and raises his head up in pride causing Marinette to shake her head.

"Ok then. Shall we start?" She nods and they go down the stairs, well Marinette did, Chat only jumped off the bed and straight down on the floor with a light thud.

She sat on her chair and Chat stood besides her as he took a look at her homework and recognised it right away as he just had finished this homework a couple of hours ago.

"Oh this is easy!" He started to explain the question to her and how to answer it and after only 25 minutes they were done.

"Thank you so much kitty!!" She exclaimed and jumped on him and bear hugged him. He laughed and hugged her back. After a few seconds she let go of him and straightened herself up again.

She then kissed his cheek softly and kept her lips lingering for a bit longer and then pulled away as Chat blushed under his mask.

"A little gift for helping me." She smiles and blushes a tad bit as Chat Noir tried not to swoon.

His ring beeped and he looked down at his ring to see only 2 paws left.

"O-oh I gotta go princess, see you later!" He kissed her hand and winked, flying out of her window. She smiled to herself and went downstairs to get something to eat.


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