36- Another Perspective.

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After that incident that took place in set, days passed by in a blink of an eye. The incident that occurred that day was still fresh in people's mind. It seemed as if the director hit the nail when he mentioned the personal feelings in acting, yet others couldn't just jump into conclusion. A lot of people tried to investigate the situation but the others that were close to Athanasia and Lucas put them in their place and assured them that nothing was wrong despite them not even knowing if something happened between them.

Creaking of the flooring that Ellie walked on were ear bleeding.

The person who was mostly interested in this situation was Ellie. She started growing wary of Lucas these past days. She had always been wary of Ijekiel. All of the mean things that she said were true, genuine feelings but nobody ever takes Ellie seriously, which is why she automatically became the funny friend; they went along with Ellie's 'jokes'.

The continuous whirring of the coffee machine and the yawning of a half awake girl.

A lot of things happened these past days. Whether it was with Lucas and Athanasia or Ellie's life in general. The second day of filming after the incident that took place in the studio, everything felt awkward. It was as if Lucas and Athanasia were avoiding each other. It was stiff between them. Nobody knows why, nobody tried to meddle in. The only people who know are them.

The birds that were chirping outside her window, resting on the branch of the tree while she stared outside the window, the coffee machine stopped dripping coffee into her mug.

Alongside all the weird things between Athanasia and Lucas, almost everything has been awfully quiet these past few day. It was really quiet in the group chat. It was silent in the set, not the same kind of energy as before. However, it wasn't silent between Ellie and Genevieve. They always stay in contact. They'd always text or call each other. They are really inseparable.

Sipping on her steaming hot coffee, tapping on the fragile glass of her phone screen. A constant sizzling of the butter in the pan.

Ijekiel has been in his own mind these past few days, not even trying to stick to Athanasia. It may be because Athanasia told him something, but it still is sketchy. Ijekiel had always followed Athanasia around. It's weird seeing them almost not interact at all. Ijekiel has been focusing on something else as it seems from someone else's perspective. He seems stressed (?) a bit.

"Good morning." She smiled as she sat herself down on the couch and took a big bite of the food she just made.

Enough of Ijekiel and Athanasia, it's more of a serious situation with Jeanette and Lucas. They have been talking a lot lately. Even in the studio, Jeanette would always follow Lucas. Nobody knows what they talk about that takes the whole break. Jeanette has barely even hanged out with the girls. Something is on her mind, probably a plan. Ellie tried to eavesdrop on them, but she got caught and played it off. She wasn't sure, but she is speculating that they were talking about Athanasia because she heard the sentence 'more like a sister', but she isn't sure, so she kept it to herself, not sharing it with her group of friends. If it was anything, she would investigate the situation herself.

Laughter arose from the little girl who was dancing in her living room. Laughing to herself might make her insane, but whatever makes her happy.

Daisy and Jeanette are close to each other, it was a known thing within the friend group, yet it seems like they've gotten MUCH closer than before. Daisy is known for listening to their problems and giving them feedback. She was such a good listener and gives the best advice, but she would sometimes bluntly blurt out to them the need of going to therapy. None of them know if she's being serious or not, though. Daisy is a good planner, which means that Jeanette probably has a PLAN.

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