27- It's Not You, It's Me.

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"Ah, Ijekiel. Good afternoon." Athanasia greeted him, getting in the car and buckling her seatbelt.

The older male shot her a soft, gentle smile. If Ijekiel was known for anything other than acting, it would probably be his charming smile that swept girls off of their feet. It was acknowledged that Ijekiel is handsome, and pair it up with the perfect smile, and you get girls swooning over him.

Unknowingly, Athanasia was staring vacantly at the male in the driver seat. 'Can Lucas smile like that...?' Her thoughts nowadays were driving her insane. The first thing that comes into her mind is the ruby eyed male. He even comes uninvited in her dreams. How provokingly rude. 'Why did I just think of that?!' She hit herself internally, trying to think of something else and averting her gaze away from the male so she doesn't unintentionally outstare him, and mayhap intimidate him.

When she tried to think of something, a memory of yesterday popped up in her head. 'Oh, right. Yesterday...' She was engrossed in her own thoughts that she didn't even hear Ijekiel calling her name.

Ijekiel stopped calling out for her and let her be for the time being. 'Something seems to be bothering her.' He surmised, hoping it wasn't true, though. He wanted to spend a fun time with Athanasia, and not have her in her own head, thinking about what was bothering her.

After talking with Jeanette and not bringing up the thing that Lucas said because she didn't want to make assumptions, and perhaps Lucas may have lied.

"Athanasia, is something bothering you?" Jeanette shifted herself so Athanasia has no way but to face her.

The fair haired girl looked down, and blinked away the tears that started forming in her eyes so suddenly. "No, Nothing is bothering me. Why?" Athanasia raised her head once she felt hands on her shoulders.

Jeanette arched her eyebrows which made Athanasia curl up a bit. "If you say so..." The brunette mumbled and took her hands off Athanasia's shoulders. "Are you sure, though?!" She had to ask again, to recheck if nothing is actually bothering her.

When Athanasia exhaled, it was staggered, sounded as if she was holding back tears for an unidentifiable reason. "I am... fine. Nothing is wrong." Athanasia squinted her eyes when she smiled.

Jeanette looked hesitant. A dithered facial expression on full display. "Let's go to the adults, then." Jeanette got off the couch in a slow pace. She stood on the side, putting her hand out for Athanasia.

Her trembly hands made their way to the brunette's grasp. "S... slow down!" She stammered when she felt the pace quicken and how fast they skipped down the stairs.

An euphoric laugh left her cousin's natural pink lips. "Okay, okay." She slowed down and held her hand, tightly, securing her hand in hers. "Athanasia so cute." Jeanette cooed at her now completely flustered cousin.

Athanasia felt remorse consuming her. Athanasia was jealous of her cousin to the point where she sometimes wish she was never here. Yet, again, her cousin is always glowing radiantly with overjoyed content. She always complimented her and made her feel loved. She always stood by her side, with no jealousy involved, just pure happiness for her only cousin.

It made Athanasia fall into the guilty hole, all over again. Athanasia abhorred how Jeannette sometimes surpassed her so easily, without even trying. It was agitating and nerve racking at the same time.

A lucent, sunny smile. Beautiful blue ocean eyes. Long, silky, ashy brown hair. Wishing the happiness and the best for everyone. A perfect example of a protagonist. Of course, Athanasia could never compete against her cousin.

"Athy?" Jeanette asked, trying to pull the blonde out of her thoughts.

Athansia was well aware that her cousin knew something is wrong with her, and she knew her cousin too well to know that Jeanette wouldn't ask her until it got worst, to the point where Athanasia wasn't herself.

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