39- White Clover.

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Athanasia had planned everything. From her lying to Ijekiel about not being able to meet him to setting him up on a date with her dearest cousin, Jeanette. She felt some sense of accomplishment when everything went as she planned. A smirk was on her face, liking the thought of achievement more than she should. "Now that, that is done, I wil..." She trailed off when she looked at her phone that popped up a new notification. She grabbed her phone and clicked on the notification.

12:43PM, Today.

Cousinette ✨ (12:43PM): Athy, I have a place you would like

Me (12:44PM): really? Send the location

Cousinette sent a location.

Me (12:51PM): Ooh this place is close to downtown

Cousinette ✨ (12:52PM): Yeah it's new

Me (12:53PM): alright alright go pay attention to your date~

Cousinette ✨ (12:54PM): you too

Me (12:55PM): Me?? I don't have a date?


Me (12:57PM): JEANETTE 😥😥

Athanasia sighed helplessly, clicking back on the location Jeanette sent her. "Ah, could you take me here?" She showed the driver the location and after confirmation, she leaned back on the seat. 'What is she up to now... my date..? What does she mean by that.' She thought internally, keeping her posture on the outside.

"I'll call you to pick me up." She told the driver as she stepped out of the car. She stood in front of a teahouse. "Ah, the colors are really soft." She smiled happily, heading inside. The odor of the different types of tea filled her nostrils. Even though it's a strong smell because of the different types of tea, Athanasia still thought it was pleasant and could identify each and every type.

She walked to the counter, ordered her tea before turning around and searching for an empty spot. She headed towards a table that was closer to the window. "How come a seat like this isn't taken?" She wondered to herself.

Well, maybe a seat like this isn't taken because it is actually taken by someone who just came back. "Uh..." Spoke the person, grabbing Athanasia attention.

"Wa-?" She raised her head when she heard an awfully recognizable voice. "Ah.." She looked at the table and at her surroundings to see if anything indicated that this table was taken, and to her surprise, there was a phone on the table. It seems that Athanasia has failed to notice the phone on the table. "I'm sorry." Athanasia stood up, about to grab her things before something stops her from going.

"Don't go-" These words spilled out of his mouth before his mind could even process. He surprised himself, eyes wide open, staring right at her. "I mean, you can go." He cleared his throat and stood up properly.

Athanasia sat back down, eyes glued on the black haired male. "..." It was quiet. None of them dared utter a word. It was just Athanasia staring outside the window whilst Lucas looking at the table, and it seems that there's something he wants to say but somehow can't.

"Enjoy your drinks." The waitress came over and broke the silence they were in.

"Thank you." Both of them mumbled, avoiding each other's gaze.

'Why isn't he saying a thing if he told me to stay? Does he think this is funny?' She grumbled inwardly, slightly shaking on the outside.

Lucas turned his head, facing her, noticing her slightly shaking shoulders. 'Just say it, it isn't that hard.' He spoke to himself.

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