40- Claw Machine.

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"Lucas-ssi, we will put on the wig now." Said the hairdresser as she approached the man sitting on the chair, facing the mirror.

"Mhm." Was the only reply they got from him.

Jeanette tapped Athanasia's shoulder to get her attention. "Earth to Athanasia~" She flashed her a smile.

"Oh, uh-" Athanasia shook her head, turning to her cousin. "Beautiful morning today, don't you think so?" She said.

Jeanette turned to the direction Athanasia was staring at. "Mhm, is your morning Lucas-ssi?" She asked and crossed her arms, a smug look on her face.

Athanasia furrowed her eyebrows, grabbing Jeanette by her shoulder, making her turn around. "No, I just had a thought, and might have zoned out."

"Alright, sure." Jeanette walked away when a staff member called for her.

"Did it hurt..?" She mumbled to herself before turning away when Lucas faces her. "Okay, I shouldn't stare at people." She nervously laughed and walked away.

"Director-nim, you wanted something?" Athanasia asked as she walked up to him.

"Oh, right." He said. "We will redo some of the scenes from last time since they didn't come out as I wanted them to."

"From last time filming?" She asked.



The black haired male walked up to the sleeping emperor, looking over at him, his long hair rustled and brushed against the emperors face. His red blood eyes stared right at the man beneath him, not even minding his hair.

The princess silently gasped, rushing up to him and doing the first thing she knew would make the black haired male startled; she yanked his hair. "Don't wake him up! He just fell asleep!"

"Oww!" He whisper yelled in pain. "Hey, how dare you treat me like this?"

The princess didn't let go of his hair, realizing how silky and nice his hair was. "Wow, your hair is really nice." She said, astonishingly.

"Let me go." He ordered.

She still hadn't let go of his hair despite his order. "What do you think? Can you fix him?" She asked with a hopeful smile spread across her face.

"...What is this?" He said. "You told me he only lost his memories," He, himself looked shocked while staring at the sleeping man. "So why is he dying?"

"..." Once she heard what he said, she became at a loss for words. "Huh?" As if she couldn't grasp words to form a legible sentence. "What did you say?"


"Cut." The director said, eyeing both of them and smiling satisfactorily. "Better than last time, that's for sure."

Athanasia has already let go of Lucas' hair, staring at his hair as if she was thinking about something that involves his hair.

Lucas furrowed his eyebrows, feeling the stares of someone on him. He turned around to see the female reaching her hand out to his hair, slowly but halting when she was caught. "...What are you doing?" He questioned.

Athanasia let out a nervous laugh. "Nothing..." She mumbled under her breath and glanced at his hair once again.

Lucas held his hair and took an eyeful of her, turning to the hair, then back to Athanasia once again. "...The wig is soft, yeah." He thought she was going to talk about how soft the wig is despite it being just a wig.

The Cue Of Our Love. - Who Made Me A Princess (wmmap)Where stories live. Discover now