20- Father-Daughter Moment.

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The brunette was pacing back and forth in her bedroom, restlessly waiting for her guest to arrive. Then she heard it, a gentle, delicate knock on her window, that quickly made her attention shift to the window.

The blonde who was outside the window, sweat dripping nervous looked inside to see the brunette waiting for her as expected.

As promised, I went to visit Juliette.

The brunette had her mouth left agape, looking at the princess of the empire. She was chuffed, but also incredulous.

"Excuse me." Said the blonde who was slowly crawling into the room from the window. It was a funny thing to witness if she was being honest with herself. A princess, a noblesse, setting a foot into someone's house from the window. It would crack someone up if they witnessed such thing. "It's been a while, miss Marietta."

She was about to step in, "Were you surprised by-" The blonde was pulled in a hug by the brunette she considers a friend. "Princess!" The brunette looked up at the blonde in front of her, that she pulled inside by her hug, "Your highness, is it really you?" Tears were inaugurating in her blue eyes of hers. "Yes, it's really me." When she said those words, the brunette threw herself on the the princess, once again and hugged her tightly.

'Woah, she comes on fast.' The thought that crossed the golden haired female.

"I-I thought... I thought I'd never see you again..." she hugged her tightly to the point where the blonde was staggering in her arms. "I heard you suddenly disappeared from the palace..." the tears escaped her eyes, sluicing down her cheeks. "I was so scared..." the silk-like haired female reeled down to her knees. "I'm so glad... to see you again..." The crystal eyed girl scrutiny mitigated, closing her eyes in the process, "I'm also... happy to see you again."


"Cut." And that word marked the spot the ending of the filming of this scene. Jeanette and Athanasia didn't pull away from the hug, they just kept on hugging. "LET ME JOIN IN!" Ellie ran to them and jumped on them, making all of them fall on the ground, then they yelled at each other in pain, but started laughing.

"My god, why are you all so stupid." Daisy pulled her hand out for Jeanette and Athanasia who both schemed something before pulling her down onto them and she fell down, "Oi! I tried to help you! Be grateful." In different circumstances, Genevieve was takings video of them, only for Ellie to kick her leg and make her stumble and fall onto them. They almost always caused a scene in the studio, the others didn't mind it, though. The cameramen took footage as it is a part of the bloopers.

After some moment of them laying on top of each other, they helped each other up and went ahead to the changing room. The whole way there, they were yelling and chatting loudly. Them talking loudly didn't happen very often because they respect the others around them and don't want to cause a nuisance.

Ijekiel looked at the seat he was sitting on, and grabbed his script. He looked next to him to see a smirking red eyed male, looking at a colorful script with a red highlighter in his hand. Ijekiel knew that Lucas would never do such thing to his script, plus, the only person who would do this to their script is of course, Athanasia. "That's Athanasia's script." He put his hand out so Lucas can hand him the script. "Oh, I know." He opened the lid of the highlighter and scribbled on something. "Uhm, why are you writing on her script?" Ijekiel asked, not trusting whatever Lucas was doing. "She knows. Dont worry. Now, go away. Let me be." He motioned with his free hand to Ijekiel to go away.

"Does she really know?" He asked and Lucas sighed as he let the script fall in his lap, holding the highlighter between two fingers. "Listen here, wait, what was your name? Ezekiel? Zeke? Zachary? Hmmm jack? Ikaika? Jacob? Wait, is it James? It's probably James. James is a cocky name. So, listen here, James-" He was stopped mid sentence because Ijekiel corrected him, "It's Ijekiel." He snarled, "Ah, yes, James." He, on purpose got his name wrong to tick him off, "Anyway, so what was I saying? Oh, yeah, it's none of your business. Didn't you hear the people say that keep your nose to yourself? Yeah, exactly. Bye bye. Shoo." Lucas tried shooed him off, but Ijekiel didn't budge. "Okay, then, stay here. I couldn't care less." Lucas grabbed the script, again and started writing.

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