52- Suddenly, Tranquil.

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"Hello everyone!" As cheers filled of the audience filled the place, "It's nice to see everyone so lively this evening." Said the interviewer as a smile made it's way on his face. "As we all heard, a new season of the series 'Who Made Me A Princess' just got released, so everyone, please welcome our main characters."

Cheers arose once again when the actors waved their hands and put on their smiles. "How is everyone? It must've been a year filled with interesting things to share." The interviewer begins which gets a laugh from Athanasia.

"I wonder how you know that." Athanasia spoke up first. "Lots of stuff happened and that is why we're here today." Athanasia was seated next to Lucas while Jeanette and Ijekiel were seated next to each other on a different couch.

Lucas looked over at Athanasia, giving her a small smile before speaking up, "It was a hectic year if I were to be honest. Lots of unexpected stuff happened."

"Mind sharing with us?" The interviewer said.

Jeanette took the lead, "Well, one of the unexpected things that happened is how harmonious everyone got along... except them," She pointed at Lucas and Athanasia who gaped at her. "Just as they took a step into the studio, it was automatically cat and dog vibes." Jeanette laughed as the audience laughed too. "And poor us, we had to witness it but if you ask them now how is your friendship, it's awfully great."

"Awfully?!" Athanasia shot back.

"Yeah." Jeanette replied innocently.

Ijekiel smiled at them before speaking up, "They acted as if they were the bestest of friends on set but off set, it was something else. The one time I witnessed it, I was taken aback because it was hilarious. It wasn't one of those malicious 'I don't like you', it was more of teasing each other kind of way."

Athanasia chimed in, "Okay, but that was in the past, we've grown as people." She turned to Lucas for some support, which he immediately understood.

Lucas nodded his head and looked straight at the interviewer, "It's been a long time on set, everyone has gotten really close by the end of filming and we're all excited to get back on set to film season 3."

Athanasia was glad he was able to shift the conversation but god, she wanted to slice open both Ijekiel and Jeanette. She was sure they were wearing their smug faces right now.

"That's lovely to hear you guys have a very close friendship. May I ask, what was your first impressions of each other? It does sound funny." The interviewer pulled them back into the old conversation.

On the outside, Athanasia looked perfectly fine, lovely, even. However, that was not the case on the inside. Internally, Athanasia was hoping the world would split open and swallow her whole. "He seemed like the perfect competition for me so I took it." She made up something, hoping it's credible enough to fool everyone.

As the interviewer turned to Lucas, he already had an answer ready. "She looked competitive, so I humored her." Laughs filled the place as a shocked Athanasia turned to him.

In shock, Athanasia hit him lightly on his shoulder. "You did not! You seemed just as competitive as I was. You liar!"

A laughing Jeanette spoke up, "Look, as I said, cat and dog vibes. Not the bad kind, just a friendly way." She smiled and looked at Athanasia who was still hitting Lucas lightheartedly while Lucas laughed.

The interview did get a good laugh before asking another question. "What was the hardest scene to film?"

"For me it was the scene where the princess had to pin the wizard to the wall." Athanasia spoke first. "It had so many outtakes and I almost tripped multiple times. I'm blaming him for his height." She pointed at the person next to her, Lucas.

"Don't blame me, it was the hardest scene to film for me too." He crossed his arms. "You were getting all up in my personal space." He jokingly said, getting another laugh from the audience.

"Okay, first! There's no personal space in that scene, it had to be like that whether you approved of it or not."

Jeanette laughed along before answering, "Mine was the indirect rejection, I felt like I wasn't portraying the emotions right and had some outtakes."

Ijekiel sighed as he thought about it for a moment, "Probably the scene with Lucas because we kept laughing at Athanasia and had to redo the scene multiple times."

"What was the most shocking thing about your costar when you were getting to know each other?" Interviewer asked and eyed Lucas and Athanasia.

"You know, I don't know why it surprised me but Lucas is really good with kids." The audience laughed and Athanasia laughed too. "I mean, he was on set way before us, shooting season 1, so he was surrounded by kids. Also, he has a younger sister that he takes care of but I don't know why, when I saw him I had this like... other impression of him."

"Oh! Same here." Jeanette nodded her head. "He is the sweetest person ever. Like when you first see him you're like, oh he seems so professional and strict. Lo and behold, he is so sweet and funny too." She said.

"In some way, the magician character suits him well. They almost have the same personality, so it was easy getting to know Lucas through the character." Ijekiel added on Jeanette's words.

Lucas furrowed his eyebrows, "Why did you select me first?"

"Because you're the most shocking one out of all of us." Jeanette replied.

"I think it's because we worked together prior," Athanasia pointed at Jeanette, Ijekiel and herself. "That it's like, we knew each other. We got used to each other. We worked on The Script together, we also worked on Malevolent, and other stuff. At this point, nothing can shock me about them."

"Lucas was like the newcomer here but to say the least, he was very different from the Lucas I had in my head." Ijekiel said.


"Okay, let's start with introduction first." Jeanette said.

"Hello, I am Athanasia de Alger Obelia and I play as princess Audrasia." Athanasia waved her hand.

"Lucas Lenoir, I play as the magician Lucius." Lucas smiled his signature smile.

"I am Jeanette de Alger Obelia and I play as the second princess, Juliette."

"I'm Ijekiel Alpheus, I play as the young duke, Ikejiri."

Lucas cleared his throat, "So our game for today is one couple is going to ask the other couple a question while in character." He said. "But wait, there's more. If a character refuses to answer the question, they must take a shot of ginger." He added, "That was a mouthful."

Athanasia chuckled and hit his shoulder lightly, "Did you have to clear your throat, like you're readying yourself for the worst."

"Of course." Lucas replied immediately.

"Okay, Audrasia and Lucius." Jeanette began, "If you had the chance to leave, would you?"

"Immediate no. The princess needs me." Lucas answered with a smug look.

Athanasia snorted our laughing, "This smug--" She lightly hit his shoulder which got a playful 'ow' from him. "My answer would still be no. As Lucius said, I need him to continue my journey. Also, we have been friends ever since he terrified me. I still remember your threat." She blankly stared at him.

"Sorry, your highness." He grabbed one of the cards and stared at the couple that sat opposite of them. "Juliette and Ikejiri, do you really just see each other as siblings."

"OOOOOO~" Athanasia stared at them.

Ijekiel thought about it for a moment before speaking up, "Yes, she's a younger sister to me."

Jeanette sighed as she reached for the ginger shot. "Ready the next question." She told Ijekiel as she took a shot, flinching once she swallowed it. "God." She shook her head in detest.

"It's okay, it's good for your health." Lucas told her but he was greeted with a glare from her. "Yikes." Making the others laugh a bit.

"The next question," Ijekiel picked up a paper and rubbed Jeanette's back. "If you had the chance, would you have eaten Blackie back then? This is more of a one sided question." He placed the card down.

Lucas looked at Athanasia before reaching for the ginger shot. "Sorry." He mumbled before chugging it.

A sigh left Athanasia's lips, "Can't say I'm surprised, I literally had to beg him not to eat Blackie. Suffer, go ahead." She said as she watched his face change, laughing at his misery.

"Poor you, alas, Blackie just exploded." Jeanette spoke.

"Still miss him." Athanasia acted as if she was sad and received a pat from Lucas.

"Look, if I had eaten him, this whole mess wouldn't have happened." Lucas said.

"Oh, shut up you. He was the best pet." She took his hand off of her and grabbed a card. "Anyways, have you ever felt like the duke manor was in some type of way suffocating?"

"Oooo, that is a good one." Lucas now, looked intrigued.

Jeanette thought about it for a moment before answering, "The keyword is wrong. It wasn't suffocating, it just felt unwelcoming at some point. I felt like I was a burden and nobody wants a burden in the comfort of their own home. I tried not making myself present but I don't think that was an option. However, at the end of the day, the duke had taken care of me and I really appreciate all his hard work and effort."

"Oooh, poor you." Athanasia placed the card down, turning her attention to Ijekiel.

Ijekiel hesitated answering for a split second before reaching out for the ginger shot and drinking it in one go. "God." He muttered as he shook his head.

Jeanette chuckled at him, reaching for a card. "Did you at some point get frustrated with the emperor."

"Yes." Both Lucas and Athanasia said in unison, laughing at it once they realized. "I'll go first!" Athanasia said, "Yes, I did feel some frustration with my father. As much as I love my father, at some point, the way he treated me felt unacceptable and as if I was being tossed away and nobody wants to go through that feeling of being abandoned over again."

"Yeah, it hurts." Jeanette sympathized with her.

"As for me," Lucas spoke, "The emperor put the princess through a lot and she went through a lot to help him."

The others stared at him before Jeanette broke the silence, "Ooooo~"

The Cue Of Our Love. - Who Made Me A Princess (wmmap)Where stories live. Discover now