35- Taking Precautions.

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Audrisia, who was sitting in daze, lost in her own thoughts. She had a dejected look on her face for some unexplained reason.

"Princess." Were the words that pushed her out of her thoughts.

The blonde turned her head towards the voice that called out for her. "Juliette." She said.

"His majesty has fallen asleep." She started approaching the blonde little by little. "It seemed like he didn't get a lot of sleep last night either..." She sounded worried despite her not being that close with the emperor. "They said that he'll feel better if he rests more like this."

The princess nodded her head lightly and answered her with a, "Ah, I see..." She kept her eyes on the brunette and thought interpreted her head. 'I only found out about this after I returned... but apparently, daddy falls asleep whenever Juliette is nearby.' She looked away for a second. 'What am I supposed to say? Thank you?' The blonde sighed internally and let the thoughts roam in her head. 'Just because he told me to stay in the emerald palace, doesn't mean that his memories have returned.' Athanasia smiled and spoke up. "Sit, I'll call for some tea." She told the brunette. 'God, it's truly unbearable.'

The brunette took a seat and smiled up at the blonde. "Thank you, Princess."

'But, it seems like he was worried for me.' More thoughts creeped inside of her head, making her unable to focus with the guest she has. '...I wish Lucius would hurry it up and come back already so he can fix daddy...' And just as she was saying that, an image of the male popped up inside her head, or it was what she thought...

An eye opener appeared in front of the princess before she could differentiate reality from imagination. "What's with the frown?" The male tilted his head to the side, smiling as he asked his question. His hair seemingly longer than before. He had his hands clasped behind his back, waiting for the realization to hit the princess.

The blonde stared right at him, unable to process what's happening. It took a good minute until it hit her that the person in front of her wasn't just a feign of her imagination, the male was actually there, in front of her. "LUCIUS!!"

"Ow, my ears..." The male stepped back in surprise, instinctively, he placed a hand on his ear and eyed the female who he never expected that reaction from.

"LUCIUS!! COME HERE FOR A SECOND!" The girl sprung up from her seat, mind cleared from thoughts. The thing she needed to do right now I talk to the male that just came back. "JULIETTE, EXCUSE US FOR A BIT!"

"L-lord magician?" The brunette eyes followed the both of them in utter surprise.

The raven haired male took a quick glance to the brunette when he heard her. 'What? Was she always there?' He thought to himself. "Princess, please calm down." Said the guy that was getting dragged by the petite female. "I understand that you're happy to see me after so long..." Before he could even finish his sentence, he was pinned against the wall by the princess who had an angry expression written all over her face.

The female furrowed her eye brows as she stared right into his eyes. "What took you so long-"


"CUT." The camera's stopped rolling and the pair that were on set turned their head to the director who was watching the scene unravel. Athanasia took a couple steps back whilst Lucas stood up properly, facing the director. "No, no, no, no. This looks so emotionless. Athanasia, you're angry and mad. I need to see that. You looked emotionless, nobody would be convinced that your character is overflowing with these emotions." His voice was stridently orotund; it was blood curdling. "Also, get closer to him and don't forget to slam both hands on the wall." The whole set had an eerie feeling to it. It was so quiet, it was deafening.

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