21- Indirect Rejection.

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The sound of her phone ringing echoed through the dark, cold room. Athanasia was sleeping peacefully until this moment. She ignored it and pulled the covers on her head and curled up. She added pressure on her eyes when the ringing continued, putting her hand on either side of her ears. When the ringing ended, she let her eyes rest with no pressure added on them and tried to go back to sleep. Unfortunately, the person who dialed her number, has called again.

The somnolent ocean blue eyed female vehemently grabbed her phone and grumbled in vexation. She answered the call still exasperated. "Athy, good morning!" It was the voice of her cousin. "What time is it? my alarm still didn't go off." Her voice sounded incapacitated. "It's 6:07AM." Jeanette giggled at the way her cousin's drowsy voice was. "Oh fuck off, my alarm goes off at 6:30." Athanasia's eyes were still shut as she spoke to the person on the other side of the call.

Jeanette laughed. 'How does she even have the energy to laugh at the crack ass of dawn. It's official. She is another specie.' Athanasia speculated. "Well, I called to tell you that today we don't have a filming session, and that we will be having breakfast with Ijekiel." She reminded and when Jeanette mentioned Ijekiel, Athanasia felt like she wanted to spend the day in bed, rather than actually go out and do something constructive.

"Mmm, when are we going?" She finally asked, because why is even Jeanette waking her up so early if they don't have filming. "Oh, 8AM." When Jeanette told her the time they should meet up, she felt something inside her crack, "Ei-Eight AM..." Athanasia was about detonate. "Yeah..?" Jeanette had no idea why her cousin was acting they way she is. "Jeanette, what time is it right now?" She took deep breaths and tried to take it easy. "6AM..?" Jeanette was now feeling kind of scared, just having an idea of what may happen next. "Yeah, exactly, you fucking unjust, unfair, prejudice you piece of human garbage." Athanasia started cussing her out while Jeanette was laughing, which made Athanasia curse at her more and more.

"Alright, go get dressed!" Jeanette had the valor to tell her that after Athanasia shredded her to pieces with her swear words. "Jeanette, I swea-" Typical Jeanette. Running away from the wildfire she caused, or just brushing it off with a laugh.

Athanasia sat on her bed for 30 more minutes, just checking her social media, or the messages and emails she missed. She is not someone who uses their phone a lot, she has more things to do than just sit down and stare at a screen for hours.

She got off the bed and stretched her way to the bathroom. She didn't turn off the air conditioner, and still didn't even pull open the curtains. She left her room cold and dim as it was. When she opened the bathroom door, she had to shut her eyes close due to the overdose of light entering her vision.

She got all ready for the day and when she stood a foot out the bathroom she saw that now the air conditioner was off and the curtains in her room open wide, letting all light from sunlight enter the room so easily.

The girl's hair was still a big bush of a mess. She headed to her walk in closet and scanned the clothes that she had hanging. She picked up a beige silk shirt with cuffs. She grabbed a red plaid mini dress and called it an outfit. She styled her hair in a high ponytail and that was it. For accessories, she just wore a pair of safety pin earrings. She didn't even bother putting on heels, she just put on a pair of sneakers.

"What time is it?" She asked as she sat on her bed and grabbed her phone. She checked the group chat to see if they should meet up there or someone will pick them all up.

7:02AM, Today.

Cousinette ✨ (7:02AM): where should we meet up?

Kiel 🐩 (7:02AM): I'll pick you guys up

Cousinette ✨ (7:03AM): okay

Me (7:07AM): Alright, I'm waiting

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