17- Do You Like Me Like I Like You?

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Ijekiel couldn't believe what just came out of the girls mouth. He got consternated from the word the girl spoke. He assumed that the girl was sleeping that day, but he thought wrong. He knew he did something wrong, that's why he is flabbergasted. He's left aghast.

"What?" His eyes widened at the thought of her knowing the shameful thing he did. But he couldn't be so sure, so he had to ask again, "Come again?" He asked, still hoping his ears deceived him.

Athanasia fiddled with her fingers and bit the inside of her cheek, before opening her mouth and repeating the words she said a moment ago, "Why did you kiss my forehead on the day of the festival?" She asked and took a deep breath. She kept her eyes on him, it's like she was scanning, no, analyzing every move he did.

He averted his gaze away from the blonde female that was sitting opposite of him. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he just ended up closing his mouth without saying anything. The thing is, he didn't know how to say it. He felt ashamed and wanted to runaway from this situation, even if it meant never seeing Athanasia again.

It went quiet for some time. It was awkward for he both of them, well, mostly it was awkward for Ijekiel, since he needed to confess on why he did such thing, but he isn't cooperating and saying a thing.

Athanasia, of course, was waiting patiently and not rushing him on confessing. But she didn't know why it was troubling him so much to just say why he did it. It's not like Athanasia is going to stop friending him if he just confesses why he did that thing.

"It... it's uhm.." He seemed in cold sweat, uptight, and strung up. Athanasia just continued petting the cat that was suiting on her lap. She had the whole day, he could take as much time as she wanted, but at the end of the day, her mission was to get the words out of his mouth and understand his perspective on why he did such thing.

"What is it, Kiel? You can tell me. I promise, I won't get mad, or even unfriend you. Talking it out would solve many misunderstandings I have right now. I'm so confused on the situation, so please, tell me why did you do that?" She sprung up, looking at him with eyes that spoke woe. She wasn't dejected, no, she was rather the complete opposite. "Yeah?" She added to her last statement, hoping it would help him calm down and actually tell her on why he kissed her forehead while she was, allegedly sleeping.

He looked at Athanasia and swallowed his saliva, "I... Athanasia, I will respect your choice otherwise." He gave her a heads up before telling her the main reason on why he did it that day. "I like you, Athanasia. More than a friend. I have feelings for you." He finally confessed. He gave Athanasia the answer that she was dreading for.

And Athanasia reaction, was inexpressible. It was a combination of horror, confusion, and incertitude. She didn't know how to answer. Her mouth went dry. The cat that she was petting, jumped off of her lap and that shot Athanasia back into reality. She literally had no idea how to answer the silver haired male that was sitting opposite of her. She looked at him vacantly, not knowing how to form a sentence to tell him how she is feeling, and her emotional state.

They both went quiet. The sounds of chattering were the only things produced. The sounds of a bunch of people yapping, made them both zone back out into reality, and try to continue solving this hectic situation.

Ijekiel seemed like a cat on a hot tin roof, in simple words, he was apprehensively on edge, whilst Athanasia was at sixes and sevens, meaning, she was mystified by this whole circumstance. She always saw him as a friend, nothing more. She didn't know how should she react in this situation. Tell him how she feels, or just stay quiet.

He cleared his throat and bit his tongue, "Do you like me like I like you?" He gave her a look of someone who was pinning his hopes on her answer. And he wanted it to be an optimistic response. His look didn't covet a look of someone who was going to take rejection as an answer, but it was hidden behind his manipulative face.

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