6- First Day Filiming.

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Today was mesmerizing. It was really beautiful. It felt so surreal. The flowers were painting the bold green garden with their astounding colors. It gave the garden some life. The cool air outside made it even more attracting. It was the best day for a picnic with family or friends, however, it was the first day of filming so Athanasia's hopes and dreams of having a picin or hanging out were crumpled and tossed away in the garbage due to her seeing her schedule.

Unlike last time, this morning started off great. She woke up pretty early, way too early. She may have been excited? Or just wanted to wake up early. Since she had lots of time, she decided on spending it with her dear mother. So she headed to the place she knew her mom is. She directed her way to the room where her mother spends most of her time at, the dance room. Her mother uses that specific room to practice her dancing or just making up new choreographies for work purposes or entertainment. Yes, Athanasia's mother, Diana, worked as a choreographer.

The dance room is very spacious. Extremely big with a very high roof (even though every room has a very high roof but that's not the point). One of the walls of the room were just humongous windows that allowed them to access the astonishing garden view from above while dancing.

The music was blasting loudly in that room as Athanasia turned the door knob, her eyes fixated on her mother, who was gracefully dancing a familiar choreography that Athanasia knew the moves of. Athanasia joined in with her mother when the beat dropped and her mother didn't expect anyone to come in and or join her. She was startled as she peered at her daughter. She messed up a move and stumble on her foot, but got back on her feet, continuing to dance without further distractions.

"Morning. Did you eat breakfast?" Diana said after the music has calmed down. She picked up her water bottle and took a sip. "No, not ye-" Her mother tossed her a water bottle that Athanasia dodged and her mother looked at her bluntly, "My intention wasn't hitting you, but I'm glad you know you did something wrong. Go take a bath and eat breakfast." And just like that, her mother kicked her out of the room. Athanasia as confused and startled she was, she started giggling.

And that's how her morning went. She went back to her room and got ready with the help of Lillian. She ate breakfast and left the house.

The past two days, she was actually free. Having that she returned pretty late on the night of the premiere, she was exhausted her which made her wake up late the next morning. She spent those two days with her family and at home. She didn't meet up with anyone in particular. She was debating with her parents on how she should align her schedule for college and maintain her actress career. It was pretty tough if you ask her. She was fine with pursuing her dream as an actress and being the head of the company, however, nobody said it was an easy task to do and get used to. She knows she will have some obstacles that will pause her way to perfection, but everything takes time and effort, so she wasn't that worried.

She got to set pretty early and she didn't expect anyone from the crew members to be there, just yet. Still, she expected the cameramen and the director to be there.

Athanasia heard some chatters from the inside and peeked inside before stepping in, "Good morning." She greeted with a smile, "Morning, Athanasia. Please, head to the dressing room and get ready." The director instructed and she looked around the room to see if there was anyone here besides her and the cameramen. "You're searching for someone?" The director asked and she shook her head almost immediately. "I'm just- I'll go get ready, now." She headed towards the changing room.

She changed into a pink more like purple-ish dress, that had a white collar and white cuffs. Around her collar, was a pretty black silk, bow tie. The dress wasn't bold, but it was the modest type. It was dainty but elegant.

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