44- Annoyance.

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After the message Lucas sent, Athanasia and Lucas have been chatting a lot recently via text. Sometimes, Athanasia will open her messenger and refresh to see if she received a message from Lucas. She would often find herself distracted from studying, gazing at her phone Lock Screen.

"I wonder if he does the same..." She mumbled to herself and slapped her face, shaking her head. If someone were to see her now, they would've probably thought she's gone bonkers. "You need to study Athanasia!" She spoke to herself in a third person view, nodding to herself. She grabbed her highlighter as she began reading the paragraphs, but she found herself slacking and eyeing the phone every few minutes. "You're crazy, you're really going crazy-" She mumbled to herself.

4:09PM, Today.

Lucas (4:09PM): What are you doing?

Athanasia perked up when she heard the sound of the notification, snapping her head towards her phone. "He sent a message." She enthusiastically said, unlocking her phone and replying to him.

Me (4:09PM): studying

Me (4:10PM): what about you?

Lucas (4:11PM): nothing

Lucas (4:11PM): if you're studying I'll leave you alone, I wouldn't want to distract you

Me (4:11PM): no it's okay, it's about time I take a break, I've been studying for an hour now

That was a lie. Athanasia only had her textbooks open, but hadn't started studying yet. She wasn't feeling like studying despite it being something she had to do whether she liked it or not.

Lucas (4:12PM): I see, you're quite free for someone busy

Me (4:12PM): hey what do you mean I am busy >:(

Me (4:12PM): like I'd rather hangout on days I have no schoolwork you know?

Lucas (4:13PM): I understand, i was joking when I said what I said

Me (4:13PM): I know, you don't have to clarify every time

Lucas (4:14PM): I'm just making sure your dumbass knows

Me (4:14PM): I'm not a dumbass, excuse you

Lucas (4:15PM): deja vu

Me (4:15PM): feels like it

It's strange. When they chat, they chat for hours about trivial meters so Athanasia has to remind herself to get off before it's too late. One time, they chatted for too long Athanasia forgot the thing she had to do. She had a project to work on. She had to tell him goodbye and work on her project. It was not fun staying up late for it.

Me (4:46PM): Omg it's already this late

Lucas (4:46PM): sorry

Lucas (4:46PM): go study

Me (4:46PM): fine, but you gotta tell me the story later

Lucas (4:47PM): I will, now go

Lucas (4:47PM): cause I know if you fail you'll blame me

Lucas (4:47PM): poor me

Me (4:48PM): 😒😒

Athanasia locked her phone, tossing it aside. "Okay, focus. Study." She nodding her head, full off energy. "When I finish studying then I can do whatever I want." She told herself and opened her laptop to study from the presentations.

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