3- Night Before Premiere.

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Both Ijekiel and Jeanette stayed longer at Athanasia's house than intended. "Shouldn't you go home, now?" Athanasia looked at the silver headed male. She looked at him because he had an important meeting tomorrow, whilst Jeanette she could stay here. It's her uncles house after all. "Ah, do you want me to leave?" Ijekiel asked and Athanasia was shocked about how straightforward he was just now. "Ah no, you've misunderstood my intentions. Didn't you say you had a meeting tomorrow?" She asked and the male grabbed his phone, checking on something. "Well, I guess I'll be taking my leave. Sleep early or you'll be tired tomorrow. Goodnight." He said and stood up. "Take care." Jeanette and Athanasia said in unison, then looked at each other and laughed a little. Ijekiel looked at them both and Jeanette sighed, "Leave, already!" She said as she pushed him out of the room and Athanasia was just laughing. "Bye. Goodnight. Safe trip back home. Take care. Bye, bye, bye. The maid will escort you outside, bye." Jeanette said and closed the door.

Why didn't Athanasia and Jeanette escort him out? Well, Athanasia has a face mask on and Jeanette was helping her bring all her skin care products. Jeanette likes spending time with her cousin before something big to help her, and it's also the same thing with Athanasia. They grew up in a one household, so they are so close. They grew up in one household because Jeanette's parents were out of the country for multiple years working on their project, so they kept Jeanette in her uncles care.

Athanasia looked at the open curtains, it was beginning to get dark outside, so she has to close them. "Wow, it's really pretty." Jeanette said as she was already pulling the black-out curtains. "It is." Athanasia agreed and stretched.

"Do you think other celebrities would attend the premiere?" Jeanette questioned, wanting to hear Athanasia's thought. "I think so, because the director seems to invite some guests. Remember last time? Yeah. He invited some guests." Athanasia heard some footsteps and averted her gaze towards the noise.

They both heard a knock and they looked at the door. "Ah, who is it?" Athanasia asked and took off her face mask. "It's me, miss." The feminine voice spoke, "Ah, Lily." She seemed happy, "Come in."

"Athy, don't you want to eat dinner? Your parents are waiting." She asked her and Athanasia checked the time, "Isn't it a bit early?" She asked and Lily shook her head, "You have to sleep early for tomorrow. Madam suggested they put the dinner earlier than usual, so you go to sleep early." Lily reminded her. "It's not like it's starting at 6AM." Athanasia wanted to stay up late and have some time for herself. "Still, tomorrow you'll need all the time you can get." Jeanette reasoned, "I don't know why you still act like it's the first time you're going to a premiere." Jeanette added and sat back down. "Mm, can I ditch?" Athanasia said, bluntly. "Absolutely not." Jeanette replied.

Athanasia sunk back in the chair, gloomy. "Then, give us 10 minutes, we will be down to eat dinner." Athanasia ordered and Lily left the room. "Premiere's aren't that bad. You always skip the movie premiere either way. You go to the after party and the red carpet." Jeanette tried to help her sulking cousin up. "My schedule is packed, it's insane just thinking about it." Athanasia held her head and Jeanette rested a hand on her cousins shoulder, "You can do it. You're free after tomorrow, right." Jeanette started picking up the products and placing them in their usual spots. "Yeah, that's like the only day I'm free after my heavy schedule starts." Athanasia sat up straight. "Make sure not to skip your meals even if your schedule is full. We don't want you passing out." Jeanette advised her.

Soon, they both started heading to the dining room. The were walking down the stairs and chatting until they got there. Athanasia knocked on the door, then opened it. "Good evening, mom and dad." She said with a smile and kissed her mother's cheek, then her father's cheek before taking a seat in her regular place. "Good evening uncle and auntie." Jeanette spoke enthusiastically.

She was very comfortable around them. After years with living with them, she saw them as her second parents. That's how close Jeanette was with them. Even if her uncle is quiet and you don't know what he's thinking about, he still cares about his family a lot and she thinks that that is heartwarming.

"Good evening, girls." Diana glanced at them both. "How was work, daddy?" Athanasia asked her father who looked the same as usual. You wouldn't even know if he's tired or not because he always wears the same expression, "I managed to finish halfway through our collaboration. Either way, I heard that the white haired guy visited, again." He didn't seem pleased.

Athanasia turned her head for a second to glance at her mother, who was eating her food with a slight smile. "Ah, yeah. He is my friend." She said and looked at him. She made sure to look at him since he hates it when he talks to someone and their gaze is somewhere else. "What did I tell you." His tone of voice didn't seem like his usual, calm one. "Not to bring boys here..." She muttered and looked down. "Claude, it's fine. Stop being so strict. She should be able to have some male friends. Being overprotective of her is nice and all, but sometimes you just have to let her on her own." She cupped her husband's hand and looked at him. He was weak for Diana. "...Just this time, I'm letting you go." He said and had a hand on his mouth. 'Thank you.' Athanasia mother to her mother who gave her daughter a soft smile.

The rest of the dinner went smoothly. They chatted, going from a topic to another. It was nice to have dinner with her family. It's one of the reasons she didn't want to move out, even though she is already 18. Her father wasn't a fan of her moving out, but she knew she had to sooner or later. She must learn how to be independent, and live on her own. She must learn how to control the maids on her own. It would be better for her to get her own residence.

"Goodnight. Make sure to set your alarm, if not I'm barging into your room." Jeanette said and giggled a little. They were both standing in front of Athanasia's room. They had already finished dinner and she said goodnight to her parents. "I won't forget." Athanasia assured. "I can't trust you. You can sleep till noon if no one woke you up." Jeanette took a step back. "I'll be going now, sweet dreams." Jeanette walked down the hallway to her bedroom, "Goodnight." Athanasia responded and stepped inside her bedroom. She closed the door and leaned against it. "Haaa, so not excited for tomorrow." She mumbled and walked over to her bathroom so she can take a bath and changed into her nightgown before heading to bed.

"Is it that bothersome?" She was speaking to Daisy over the phone. Daisy will be playing as the hated princess' mother that died from maternal mortality. Athanasia had already finished her bath and put on her face products and was laying in her bed now. "I mean, not really." The chatted for about 30 minutes before Athanasia felt drowsy and gave up to sleep.

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