53- Crawl Back Into My Life.

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And like that, a new year began which meant new things came along. For one, they are going back on set to film the final season of the series. Everyone is excited except for Athanasia who has been dealing with Lucas avoiding her. At first, she didn't think much of it, but it became clear what he was doing when they had their first filming session.

Prior to their filming sessions, they had interviews where they gave sneak peaks of the new season and when will they start filming again. Lucas acted normal on camera but off-camera is where things made Athanasia question their friendship. Their conversations wouldn't last long, he seemed to be overly busy with everything, he would sometimes avoid her and apologize with the excuse of being busy. Athanasia, the understanding person she is, let him be and told him she will always be there for him if he's going through something.

It only became clear when they got back to filming. Off-camera, he acted cold and distant, to the point he would engage in conversations with Ijekiel (they seem to be close now for some reason that Athanasia can't place her finger on it). He would treat everyone the same, even Ellie who would constantly bother him. But when it came to Athanasia, it's just small hello's, small conversations, small everything.

One thing Athanasia found infuriatingly funny was when he literally hid away from her and she caught him. Athanasia hid next to him, whispered, "who are we hiding from?" And he jumped from his place when he heard her voice. "No one." He told her before apologizing and walking away.

The director told everyone to take a 30 minute break before the next filming scene. So here, Athanasia, minding her own business but clearly grumbling behind her script unpleasantly.

A sigh escaped Jeanette's lips, "yes, cousin of mine?" She placed the script in her lap, looking at Athanasia who was in a grumpy mood for some unknown reason. "Your mood is ruining the whole day, by the way." She said, as if Athanasia was unaware of it.

"He clearly is ignoring me!" She said between gritted teeth, turning the page. "Or maybe he's just too busy to deal with me." She rolled her eyes, letting out a huff.

Jeanette sat back on her chair comfortably, staring at the duo that are bantering, "or maybe he just replaced you with a guy friend." She tittered, before returning back to her.

"Haha, that was so funny that it automatically made me feel a 100 times better." She said in the most monotonous voice ever with the dullest glare ever.

Jeanette gulped, keeping a nervous smile on her face. "You look like uncle right now." Trying to lighten the mood by anything but it isn't working. Jeanette knows that when Athanasia is in this mood, nothing can soothe her. "How about we go out later?"

"No." Immediately said was not something Athanasia did, especially if it's declining something. It's always followed by a sorry but being straightforward was something that ran in their family after all. "Weren't you excitedly talking about how you and Ijekiel are gonna go out later?"

"Right," Jeanette fumbled with her script, "but I can always take a rain check for you." Jeanette and her never ending sweetness.

Athanasia sighed and finally broke from her angry demeanor, "please don't do that. Especially since you like Ijekiel more than you like flowers." She gave her a genuine smile the first time today.

"No really, if you need someone--"

"Yes, I know, if I need someone you're here for me. You've been here for me my whole life." Athanasia stared up at the ceiling. "Especially the last two months, you have been there for me. Most specifically, when Lucas started avoiding me and you assured me he wasn't. I still wonder, was I too drunk that I made a mistake..."

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