28- Rainy Days And No Umbrellas.

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"Are you going to order? or just stand there?" Were words a male said from behind her.

Turning around, a male with orange to pink-ish hair color was standing with his arms crossed, and it seemed like there was a girl with dark hair, clutching onto his pants, whilst trying to hide herself. The expression she wore meant displeasure.

The little girl huffed and punched the side of his waist. "Oppa! You can't say that!" She angrily addresses the situation on hand.

"But we will be lat-"

"Even so! Being mean isn't he way to go! I'm sure unnie would be mad at you if she knew what you did!"

Athanasia cleared her throat and sent them a soft smile. "Ah, it's fine." She wanted to turn around to order her drink, but a gasp refrained her from turning around.

"Miss doll!" A smile made it way on the younger girl's lips. "How are you? Do you feel better?" The girl kept on asking her questions, distracting her from ordering a drink.

The boy seemed shocked by the little girl knowing the woman. "You know her?" He looked at the blonde in front of him and then averting his gaze to witness the short girl that once was holding tightly on his pants now all chit chatty with the female they met moments ago or he met moments ago, because that didn't seem to be the case for the younger girl.

"Yes, she is the girl I told you about, the one I met in the park, when she held waffles." The little girl enthusiastically told him, and went back to having a conversation with the golden haired lady.

"Excuse me, ma'am, can you order? There are customers behind you." The man behind the counter politely addressed.

Athanasia turned back around and smiled apologetically. "Ah, yes, I'm sorry." She bowed a little and ordered a drink before heading to take a seat.

She pulled a chair and took a seat. She took out her phone, checking the celebrity news. Athanasia tossed her phone to the side and combed her hand through her golden locks, feeling mentally exhausted from everything that had been taking place lately.

"Hey, Miss!" The girl came back with a drink in her hands. "Why are you sad, today?" She asked her.

"Oh... uh, it's nothing." Athanasia smiled to show her that she was doing alright.

"Miss, you know lying isn't good." The girl crossed her arms on the table and laid her head on her arms.

Athanasia raised her eyebrows and let out a small laugh. "Sometimes lying about something is better than telling other people the truth," The blue eyed female pushed the hair of the girl out of her face. "And sometimes, it may lead to miseries." She clasped her hands together with a saddened smile.

"Well, then you should be honest!" The girl sat up properly and swung her feet that were too short to rest on the ground. "Honesty is best policy."

Athanasia looked away from her for a second. "What is your name?" She thought it would be better to change the topic rather than stay on her topic.

"My name... my parents told me not to share private information with strangers." The girl pouted and tapped her chin, acting as if she was thinking hard about whether to tell the female in front of her her name. "But I don't think you're a stranger, so I will tell you my name. My name is Evangeline but people call me Eva, Angeline, Angel, Linlin, and yeah. What about you?"

Athanasia fell in love with the girls name, it sounded nice. "Your name is nice. Mine is Athanasia but people tend to call me Athy." She cupped her own face in her hands.

"Woah, your name is pretty!" The girl complimented honestly. "You know, Miss Athy, I've seen you somewhere before... before I even met you in the park. Yeah, you look familiar." Evangeline squinted her eyes, trying to remember where she saw Athanasia.

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