25- Tears Of Guilt.

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Athanasia's head was pushed to the back as she was sprawled on the couch of the living room. She groaned when she remembered the incident that took place today. She slapped her palms on her face and whined as she pushed herself up with great effort. She exhaled loudly and saw both parents give her a strange look concerning her manners and behavior today. She was well aware of her eccentric behavior, yet had the right to feel this way, or she may have thought so. She would explain to her parents what happened but she needed a second to decompress the cringeworthy moment that happened back at the changing room in set.

After Jeanette saw the blonde and the dark haired male in that position, it left them both in revolt since she got the wrong idea. Both male and female wanted to leave this room tout de suite. They didn't want to spend one more second together. They were appalled enough, they wanted to go their own ways and never meet each other again. Ever again.

"So you're telling me I misunderstood?" The brunette was slouching and had her elbow pressing down on her thigh as a support for her hand that was covering her mouth. She eyed the pair who were sitting opposite side of each other as she was sitting in the middle, between them.

They both huffed before they spoke together coincidentally, "Exactly!" The blonde firmed her eyes to glare at the male who rolled his eyes; sick and tired of this.

Jeanette's raised her head in a slow pace, "so what exactly happened that you ended up on top of each other?" She clasped her hands together and sat up properly.

"Listen-" Lucas was cut off by the girl who was trying to explain herself, first.

"I followed him in here-" She heard someone clear their throat which is why she paused and looked around to see who would've done it. She of course, spotted a red eyed male who had his hand on his chin.

"I was talking, mind you. Don't interrupt me." He spoke sternly and turned to Jeanette. "It's nothing of the sort, it's just that someone was being rather aggressive, today. They wanted to fight me physically." Lucas leaned back against the couch and sighed sadly.

Athanasia gave him a dirty look and suppressed a groan, "Wait, wait, wait! I never actually intended on hurting you physically. Actually, I don't think I've ever did. And from the lies you spoke, I accidentally bumped into you, which then led to me falling on top of you because my heel got caught in the cracks of the floor." She defended herself and was about to add something, but the voice of a male made her shut her mouth without saying what was on her mind.

He shot her a glare, "Are we forgetting the time you kicked-" He was cut off by the flustered blonde who threw a cushion at him. "Look. The disrespect." He tossed the cushions aside and eyed the brunette who was observing the whole situation.

Jeanette sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, frantically. "So, either way you guys wanted to fight each other." She concluded and both of them opened their mouths to deny her statement, but they closed their mouths knowing her, she will call them out for lying about something she witnessed.

All of them were sitting in utter silence. The pair were discomfited by the stares they were getting from the brown haired female. They could've just let her go and not explained, but both of them were shocked of her behavior when she didn't let them go and told them to explain everything. It was like she wanted to prove an idea in her head.

As much as Athanasia was trying to figure out what was happening in that head of her cousin, she couldn't put her finger on it. She, without doubt knew that her cousin wasn't thinking that Lucas and her are an item. What was bothering her so much?

Athanasia fake coughed and straightened her back, "So, now that we have explained..." Athanasia was trying to do something beneficial for herself and also Lucas. Both of them were uncomfortable, Jeanette probably knew that. Maybe that why she didn't let them go, and it may be to let them suffer from embarrassment and or somehow let them get along? The first two parts were being played out correctly, but the last part wasn't working.

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