16- Cat Cafe Confrontation.

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Big windows from floor to ceiling, an easy pathway for sunlight to illuminate the whole room. The blinding sunlight shooting it's rays onto the whole city. It was early as can be, and the big swollen sun, never failed to do its job properly.

The sound of a pen writing, scribbles are loud and clear while birds tweeting and chirping in the cage that had been placed in the room.

"I wish I was the sun." Athanasia had her head resting on the table, as her eyes were fixated on the landscape outside. A hum was a question to her little phrase. "It can do it's job perfectly, and never gets tired. Imagine how affective." She articulated her feelings to the older male that was doing his paperwork.

It was early, it was 8AM. Why was Athanasia awake at this time when she slept pretty late last night? The answer was simple. Last night, when she was placed in her bed, she jounced awake. She was relatively discombobulated when she came back to her senses. But, then she understood her surrounding and regained her composure, that she is not kidnapped. It was just her bedroom. However, the thing is that she stayed up all night she was incapable of going to sleep, again. Anything she tried, was ineffectual. It was fatiguing. She was weary, but she couldn't get any shut-eye. At all. So, she just stuck with to staying up.

She had been in her dad's office since 6AM. She ate breakfast with him and now she was helping him with the paperwork. Either organizing them or handing him the materials he needed. From a new pen to paperclips.

The blonde male that she looked like a photocopy of, but in the opposite sex tapped his papers lightly onto the table to straighten and align them, before clipping them together with a paperclip. "A human would never have a sun's efficiency. Something that had been made to be perfect. Humans are imperfect-" The little girl brought her father to a halt when she said some words, "But daddy is perfect!" She in no doubt spew these words in a self-assured manner.

His gaze softened, "I c-" He was once again, impeded by his daughter who now looks somehow galvanized, despite her being lassitude a few minutes ago. "I heard from Felix that you work really hard! But I feel like i can't imagine you doing that. It may be because you always looks composed and nonchalant, i find it hard to imagine how you would look like." She had her head crooked to the side as it was leaning on the palm of her hand which was supported by her elbow pressing against the table.

Claude was about to correct her, when he stopped himself. He became cognizant of something, and that is that his daughter takes him as a role model. She looks up to him. He dropped his arms in his lap and kept eyeing his daughter, before raising his hand to pat her head.

"Because I'm daddy's daughter, that means I'll be perfect like daddy one day!" Her father now understood, that this is a desire. She aspires to be like him.

He felt the corners of his lips twitch a bit. He didn't even realize the smile on his face, up until his daughter started talking, again. "But... someone once said that my name reminds them of the word, 'asthenia' and it means abnormal physical weakness. Does that mean I'm weak...?" She lowered her head, sulkily. With how she looked right now, she seemed melancholic.

Both of them didn't even realize the female who came into the room, she didn't even intend on making into the room secretly. It's that both of them were indulged in the conversation that they didn't feel anything or anyone enter the room. But the sound of someone laughing made both of them turn to the female who entered with a tray that has tea and some dessert.

"No, they were just jealous of your name. Do you know what your name means?" Diana put down the tray on the table and sat down, pouring a cup of tea for her husband and daughter. "Yes. It means eternal life." She gave an answer to the pink eye colored female. Diana hummed happily as she handed them the tea. "Since when have you been awake?" She asked the both of them before sipping on her tea.

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