33- Please, Treat Me Kindly.

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"Thank you. You could stay the night since it's late." One of the maids spoke as the others helped Ijekiel inside. This specific maid looked young, if Jeanette were to guess her age she'd say she is 20 to 27 years old no more or less.

Jeanette politely shook her head and declined the offer. "No, no. I'm fine. Don't worry about me. The driver is going to pick me up right now." She stood in her place and held a conversation with the maid for about 10 minutes, not wanting to leave Jeanette alone.

"Miss, you should stay the night. We've been out for 10 minutes, I don't think your chauffeur is coming." The maid worriedly spoke to Jeanette who was waiting with a smile on her face.

Jeanette shook her head and looked down at her foot. "He's coming. Don't worry." She raised her head and the smile she had was still on her face, but tears were painting her cheeks. She silently bit her lip and closed her eyes, those tears streaming down her face like an overflowing sink.

The maid quickly went to her and wiped her tears. "Oh no, miss. Don't cry. Such pretty face shouldn't cry. This world isn't worth your tears. You're mourning as of now, but will it change a thing..?" Her voice was a wave of an ocean, slowly dragging the morning sunshine upon it; it was calming and soothing the same ones a mother would use to co words to her kid, to calm them and make them feel protected and secured.

Jeanette sniffling, choking on a sob as she muttered, "What can I do when he has someone else he likes?" Jeanette stared at the maid, a hopeless look wavering over her. "It's over. There's nothing I can do but be happy for them." She averted her gaze away from the maid over to the empty, dim road.

The maid was quick to take action by telling her a few words. "Miss, I have an advice for you." That quickly caught Jeanette's attention, causing the maid to perk up. "Be straightforward." Was her advice.

It didn't seem convincing to Jeanette, how could she be straightforward to Ijekiel when he is dating her cousin. Even though she envies her cousin, she would never try to ruin her relationship with someone. Jeanette has always been very considerate of other people, she would put herself in others shoes in comparison. "...Thanks, but I would rather not do something that would risk my relationship with my dear cousin." Jeanette opposed the advice she was given. Yes, she knows that Ijekiel knows that she likes him, but doing something like that just doesn't seem right.

"I mean it is kind of a negative advice if I were to say, and may cause some destruction... but how do you think I'm engaged?" The maid crossed her arms and smiled at Jeanette. "I'd always remind him I like him until he told me he liked me back, which was shocking because I didn't expect it. It has a 50/50 chance of working but what's the harm of trying something new? Spice things up!" The maid nodded her head and turned to see Jeanette's reaction.

In Jeanette's side, she found it humorous how optimistic the maid was when speaking up about her personal experience, and she lost her control when the maid said something along the lines of spicing things up. "Oh, god. That's a terrible advice... but I'll take it into consideration." On the peripheral of her eyesight, she saw the luminous car light that made her turn on her heels to face the familiar car that belonged to her family. "Thank you for turning my somber tears into happy ones. I'll take your terrible advice, either way, It was fun chatting with you. Goodnight." Jeanette fixed herself before heading towards the car.

"Goodnight miss! I hope my advice works well. Get home safely and have a goodnight." The maid chuckled enthusiastically before heading inside.

As the car passed by the endless road of streetlights, she was thinking of the advice she was given. It didn't seem that bad as she kept thinking of it. It may do her justice if used correctly. There's nothing to lose, since Ijekiel already knows, thus the indirect rejection that she got not too long ago. Though, it may hurt her but judging something without giving it a chance feels like you're wronging something based on false accusations. "...What's the harm in it?"

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