Epilogue- The Cue Of Our Love.

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Dear Diary,
28th August 20XX

Another month has passed, we're packing to leave tomorrow. I can't believe things turned out differently than I expected. Time passes so quickly when you're enjoying yourself. Lucas has told me if I felt too overwhelmed, I should try writing in a diary to let out my worries. I think it's cute he gave me that advice. He even bought me a cute diary, I don't want to disappoint him and not use it. I wonder if he gave the same advice to Evangeline. He's an amazing older brother but he fails to see it. I learned a lot about Lucas in a span of a month than any other time we've been friends. I upgraded my status... Funny.

There are many things that happened over the past 2 months. First, Lucas and Ijekiel extended their stay instead of returning with Lawrence and Iara. Iara was so happy that she even predicted it; she asked them if they were planning on returning, then she proceeded to answer herself, in which they nodded as a reply. It was funny to see it, but in that moment, Jeanette and I were so happy that we ran and hugged them. Neither of us wanted our significant other to leave so early! Now both of them stay in the beach house with us. Each room is occupied by a couple.

Second, I'm getting used to the "girlfriend" title. Lucas is not my friend anymore, he's my boyfriend. Oh, my God, it took me so long to write it!! I don't know why I was hesitating... Even the thought of it never fails to give me butterflies. We have no endearing terms we use, and I don't think I'll be fine if he uses one on me (at least as of right now). I'm already a blushing mess when he calls me "Athy", or even holds my hand. Ellie and the others keep teasing me... Or us? I never realized Lucas had the same issue, up until Daisy pointed it out. I recall us looking at each other and just laughing because it felt... Silly. But the good kind of silly.

Third, he's so... I can't explain it but... It's like he changes! We still joke around and laugh, he teases me, riles me up, makes me angry, we bicker over stupid things - not relationship wise but friend bickering wise - but that's in front of others. When behind closed doors, he changes. First time it happened I was taken aback, but soon, I got used to it and don't mind this side of him that only I get to see. The side that caresses my body; the side that worships every part of me; the side that makes me feel like I'm the prettiest girl in the world; the side that clings to me, kissing me till I go lightheaded... I think he likes how I look afterwards... Because he wastes no time telling me how pretty I am, or how many kiss marks he leaves... Embarrassing! It's so hard to hide them.

Fourth, the reason I'm writing this is because I'm going to tell my parents... Well, my dad that I'm dating Lucas. Mom already knows and she's so excited to meet him. She has been pestering me to meet him. I never meant to tell her, but she talks to Jeanette who didn't know I wanted to keep it a secret, so then I had to tell my mom to keep it a secret from dad so I can tell him on my own. There was this other night where I was Face Timing her and she caught a glimpse of Lucas in the background, she wasted no time bombarding him with questions. I had to end the call mid conversation when she started asking embarrassing questions. Lucas laughed at my flushed face when I ended the call.

As I'm writing this, Lucas is sitting across from me, reading. I keep stealing glances at him, and I think he knows because there's a smile that never left his lips. Annoying. We're sharing a blanket, and every time he annoys me, I pull the blanket and he does the same. A never ending war, if you ask me. We're supposed to go downstairs to the playroom after we're done with packing, but I don't think Lucas and I will. He finished packing, but I didn't. I've been worrying about how my dad will react. But I'm sure he'll come to accept it. The only other thing that's driving me to go home is Blackie. I miss Blackie so much!

Good luck my future self,

Good luck my future self,Athanasia

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