37- The Letter.

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Athy 🥰
11:54PM, Today.

Athy 🥰(11:54PM): I found it

Me (12:02AM): found what?

Athy 🥰 (12:03AM): the letter...

Athy 🥰 (12:06AM): hello??

Me (12:12AM): oh uh sorry, didn't think you would find it this fast

Athy 🥰 (12:12AM): well, I did- is this some scavenger hunt??

Me (12:13AM): oh?

Me (12:13AM): nonononono

Me (12:14AM): it's not a scavenger hunt ;;

Athy 🥰 (12:15AM): oh? Then what is it??

Me (12:16AM): it's complicated to say over the phone

Me (12:17AM): I'll see you tomorrow after filming alright?

Athy 🥰 (12:18AM): is it necessary to tell me face to face?

Me (12:19PM): it'll be better if we meet, it'll be much more convenient for the both of us

Athy 🥰 (12:20AM): ah

Athy 🥰 (12:20AM): Alright, see you tomorrow! Don't stay up too late!! Goodnight Nette :)

Me (12:21AM): goodnight :) sweet dreams

Athy 🥰 (12:21AM): you too!!



Both sitting opposite of each other were the brunette and the silver haired male. They both accommodated the princess before leaving her room to rest and coming to talk together since the brunette had something to say to the male.

"I heard. You met his majesty, how was it?" The male took it upon himself to start the conversation.

Juliette nodded her head slightly. "Yes. His majesty was very kind to me."

"That's good."


"You're not happy? You even found the princess." He asked. 'She looks upset somehow.'

The female did not expect that question, so she was startled for a brief second. "N-no. Of course I'm happy." She paused for some moments. "I'm just a little surprised."

"Ah. It was quiet sudden. She came to see me, but she seemed to have been wandering around for a long time, so I asked her to stay in the mansion." A woeful, almost sympathetic look washed over him. "She must've gone through so much... I'm sure it won't happen, but I want you to be careful since the princess is in a tough spot." He scanned the brunette sitting opposite of him.

"...Yes, I know." Juliette didn't lift her head, as she had her eyes fixated on her clasped hands that were resting in her lap. "..."

The princess was actually here to see me though...


"Cut." Charters arose after the director had said those words. Jeanette stood up from her place and got off the filming space with Ijekiel, both of them heading towards the same direction, actually, towards the same person.

"Athy!" Jeanette called out and waved her hand.

Athanasia smiled widely and waved her hand back. "Nette." She was sitting on a chair, revising her script. Today, no one was in set. Well, at least almost no one. Most of the girls aren't here since they finished their scenes, and their schedule for filming today was short. They are just going to shoot a couple of scenes and will call it a day. Athanasia was still extremely curious about the letter, and her objective for today is finish filming as soon as possible because she couldn't wait.

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