2- A Little Rant.

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Athanasia was never the type of person to get mad this easily. Like any normal human being, she would get mad, but it would take more effort to make her mad. She didn't know why she just got mad at him. There's something about him that pissed her off. His presence was provoking. She thought that after she met with her dad, she'd calm down a bit, but guess that wasn't true.

Her feet were walking subconsciously, on their own towards the exist of the building. Her feet had already memorized this place like her name. "Ughhh. This is so dumb. No, he is so dumb. His laugh is ugly. It's stuck in my head." She muttered under her breath and crossed her arms.

"Miss?" Someone said and she looked up to see the bodyguard holding the door open for her. 'Huh? When did I arrive?' She thought for herself and shook her head. "Oh. Thank you." She gave them a soft smile before entering her the car. She took out her phone to distract herself and to pass time.

Her father still insisted on going anywhere with guards. She thought it was a bit extra, but the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. She was a celebrity and paparazzi are everywhere. If she didn't have guards around her and paparazzi swarmed her, she would be helpless. Either way, she was grateful for her dad for everything he's doing for her or done for her.

She jolted in her seat when she felt someone tap her shoulder. "Ha?" She turned to face who it was, and it was no one other than her cousin, Jeanette. "Wait, why are you here?" She asked and Jeanette laughed, "We are supposed to hangout, today. You even promised." The brunette had a small pout, that was almost not visible, "Is there something wrong? You seem lost." Jeanette added after some moments. "Ah, no, don't worry. I'm fine." The blonde gave her a smile and Jeanette squinted her eyes, "...If you say so." Jeanette sighed and Athanasia raised an eyebrow, "What is it?" Athanasia questioned and put her phone away. "Ha? Just because I sighed there must be something?" Jeanette said and Athanasia shook her head.

Before they knew it, they were already in the mansion grounds. The big, fancy, detailed gate opened and it revealed the big white mansion. The car driver drove in the driveway to the front of the mansion. The door opened and Athanasia stepped outside the car. Jeanette was behind her as she thanked the bodyguards. They both walked up the stairs to the front door of the mansion. "Is auntie home?" Jeanette asked and Athanasia shrugged, "I mean, most likely, yeah." Athanasia opened the door and was greeted with the beautiful, relaxing scent of the mansion.

"You're home!" A beautiful, relaxing feminine voice said. "Hey, mom." Athanasia said and didn't go hug her mother like she would usually do. "Hi, auntie." Jeanette clasped her hands together. "Hey, Jeanette. How is your mother doing?" She asked and they started chatting a bit about Jeanette's mother. "Is something wrong?" She asked Athanasia after they finished their conversation. "I'm just tired. I'll go to my room." She said as she started walking up the stairs and Jeanette followed behind her.

Athanasia flopped on her bed once she entered her room. "Is it because of what happened today?" Jeanette sat on the bed, looking at her dear cousin. "Ugh, don't remind me of him. He is such an asshole." Athanasia grumbled as she changed her position into laying on her back. "He seemed nice. You can't judge people depending on their looks. You barley even chatted with him." Jeanette played with her cousin's hair. "You don't know what happened! When I went to grab my phone, he was there and I bumped into him, like I know it was my fault but I apologized like the good person I am and all he did is look at me, no, to be more specific he GLARED at me! How rude." Athanasia ranted for a bit and went on and on. She was telling Jeanette everything that happened in good details.

Jeanette laughed after she heard what Athanasia said and Athanasia wasn't happy the slightest. "Oh my god, you're so childish. How old are you? 5?" Jeanette said between laughs and Athanasia felt humiliated. "But I do have to agree, he was rude when he didn't assure you that it was fine. Maybe you hurt him with your rock solid head." Jeanette hummed as she flicked Athanasia's forehead. "Owh." Athanasia rubbed her forehead. "Maybe he's shy." Jeanette said and Athanasia looked at her with the 'are-you-serious' look. "He is an actor. How is he shy? Use your brain, you have it for a reason." Athanasia threw an arm over her eyes and let out a sigh.

"Oh, yeah don't you have a premiere tomorrow?" Jeanette asked and Athanasia nodded, "Have you picked out a dress?" Jeanette asked and got off the bed, walking to her closet. "Not yet." Athanasia yawned and put her hand on her mouth. Jeanette was about to say something but Athanasia intruded, "No, I'm not going shopping. I have many dresses I haven't wore, yet. I could choose one, simple. I'm so tired today, all I want to do is sleep." Athanasia groaned and sat up. "Oh..." Jeanette closed the closet door. "At least change your clothes. You want to sleep, right?" Jeanette leaned on the couch and Athanasia shook her head, "I'm too mad to sleep right now. Plus, you are here."

"Still, you should've done something else." Right now, they are putting on a face mask and jeanette was doing Athanasia's hair. It always calmed Athanasia down when someone played with her hair. There was a knock on the door and both girls said in unison, "Who is it?" And they both laughed a bit. "Ijekiel." The voice from the other side of the door spoke. "Oh, come in. Didn't you have something to do with your manager?" Athanasia said and Jeanette hummed. "I finished it. I wanted to hang out with you, guys. What do you think of the crew members? Do you think we will get along or something like last year would happen." Ijekiel said and closed the door behind him. He was used to the girls doing face masks and doing each other's hair, etc. he entered on them doing it multiple times.

The only reason Ijekiel was let in the mansion, is because Claude doesn't know of his arrival. He was let in by permission from Athanasia's mother, Diana. Diana was a friendly woman. She of course let a friend of Athanasia come in, not minding the gender. When Ijekiel visits, he 80% of the time, is sent back by her father, so he was pretty lucky this time.

The occurrence that happened last year is that some of the crew members were getting along and making plans without Athanasia. She didn't know why many people despised her when all she has been doing is being nice to them.

"They all seem nice." Jeanette said her opinion. "One of them is annoying. The others are fine." Athanasia said and hatred was visible in her tone. "...what happened...?" Ijekiel didn't know if he would regret asking, but he did without hesitation. "Well, it's quite a long, long story. But I have nothing to do so..." and Athanasia told him what happened.

Ijekiel, normally was protective over Athanasia and Jeannette, however, he was more protective over Athanasia. When he first saw her, he fell in love with her. It was weird, yet delightful. It made him feel warm. So, after he heard what happened, he wouldn't want that Lucas guy near Athanasia. "He seems rude. Doesn't he have manners?" Ijekiel commented and Athanasia nodded, "He isn't a gentleman. I feel so bad for his future wife." She added to what Ijekiel said and the others laughed, "I'm serious!" Athanasia said with a smile she hid behind her hand.

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