51- Leisure Pleasure.

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It was nighttime when they landed, and the first thing Athanasia did was text Lucas.

Today, 8:43PM

Lucas (8:43PM): text me when you land

Me (8:44PM): I knowwww, I will

Lucas (8:45PM): okay then

Lucas (8:45PM): have a safe flight back home

Me (8:46PM): thank you :)

Today, 10:58PM

Me (10:58PM): I landed safely

Lucas (10:59PM): good, I thought you forgot to text me or that you're taking longer to land

Me (10:59PM): no, I'm on my way home right now, I just got in the car

Lucas (11:00PM): Alright then, goodnight Athanasia

Me (11:01PM): goodnight, Lucas :))

Just as Athanasia stepped a foot in her house, she couldn't help but smile and stretch.

"There's nothing better than home, huh." Diana said as she walked in the house with her husband next to her. "Even though we weren't that far from home, it always feels nice to be here." She said and looked at her daughter and husband.

Athanasia smiled and nodded her head. "I miss my bed." She replied, making her mom laugh and her father smile. "I'll be heading to my bedroom, I need a nice shower and a goodnights rest." She turned around. "Goodnight." She told them before walking away. It's not that Athanasia didn't want to have a conversation with them, it was that she was actually tired. She never knew why but even a small airplane ride would make her so tired and she needed to relax.

"Goodnight." Her parents replied in unison as they watched her disappear when taking a turn to one of the hallways.

Diana turned to her husband, seeing nobody's around. "Wanna have a drink?" She asked with a smile, holding his hands.

"Didn't you drink enough this vacation?" He asked her and kissed her knuckles.

"Oh, come on," She giggled. "It's never enough and one drink won't hurt." She told him.

He took a deep breath before giving in and nodding his head. "Only a bit then we head to bed." He told her and she smiled mischievously.

"Sure." She stood on her tippy toes, placing a small peck on his lips before grabbing his hand and leading him to the bedroom.

Get along or die
11:37PM, Today.

Cousinette ✨ (11:37PM): we're still meeting up tomorrow, no?

El ☁️ (11:38PM): hell yeah, I didn't prepare everything from now only for you to cancel

Vieve 🦉 (11:39PM): Ellie, we're not canceling, she's just checking

Lucas (11:40PM): Uh I don't think I'll be able to make it

Daisy 🌼 (11:41PM): what? Why not

Lucas (11:41PM): My sister

Me (11:42PM): it's okay bring her with you, it's not like we will get drunk

Daisy 🌼 (11:43PM): also she's cute I love her

Kiel 🐩 (11:44PM): Won't she feel left out?

Cousinette ✨ (11:44PM): She's the most spontaneous person I've ever met, she's adorable

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