9- Weird Dream.

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Athanasia was sitting in the bathtub, water surrounding her porcelain body. "This is so relaxing." She muttered as she pulled her knees closer to her face and had her elbow resting on knees as she was pushing her wet, sleek hair to the back. She threw her head to the back as she sunk deeper into the water, feeling the warmth circling her in every direction possible. The heat indulging her.

The brunette that is taking care of the light haired girl took the burden to make it extra comfortable for her by lighting up candles and adding scented petals into the water. She also made sure to dim the lights to make it comfortable for the young lady she works for. She opened the curtain in the bathroom so the blonde female could calm down at ease whilst looking at mother nature's creation.

The scenery tonight was heavenly divine. A beguiling mixture of aquamarine, amaranthine, and a hint of luminous, prominent yellow that gave the sky a contrasting view. The penumbra of the neighborhood offered a prepossessing panorama that captivated the angelic lady's sight. That's how alluring the night sky was.

The petite female had her fingers dipped in the water that filled the bathtub. The water had a pretty flushed color that provided a delicate atmosphere for the girl who was soaking in the water. She was aware of her fingers that were pruning up by each second that passed. The dulcet song that was playing in the background, that was resonating with the doll-faced female's heart got punctuated by the vexatious sound of her phone notification, apprising her with the information that she received a message.

As exasperating as it was to ruin her alone time, she still picked up her phone to check who dared to even send her a message. She looked at the first notification to see that it was from the crew group chat. She swiped right and waited for the page to load. "What could they be chatting about." She questioned and looked at the text bubbles that appeared right in front of her.

(This is Athanasia's phone, so it's going to show what she named them)

WMMAP crew
9:34PM, Today.

Popo kaka trash 🤮 (9:34PM): When is our next filming session?

Cousinette ✨ (9:36PM): I don't know. I don't remember what the director said.

Kiel 🐩 (9:36PM): I believe it's tomorrow at 7AM.


Flint n steel 🔥 (6:37PM): I thought you were used to it?

Daisy baby 🌼 (6:37PM): NEVER >:(

Director-nim 🕴 (6:38PM): If you have any problems, you can leave and never come back.

Daisy baby 🌼 (6:38PM): .

Daisy baby 🌼 (6:38PM): No, I don't have any problems :)

Director-nim 🕴 (6:40PM): Yes, our filming session is tomorrow at 7AM. Please, don't be late.

Cousinette ✨ (6:41PM): Ah, alright.

Popo kaka trash 🤮 (6:45PM): Okay.

Daisy baby 🌼 (6:45PM): Jeanette, do you want to get breakfast together, tomorrow?

Vieve 🦉 (6:45PM): Without me?! I feel deeply betrayed ;;

Athanasia felt a tug on her lips when she witnessed her friends making plans in the group chat that had the whole crew in. She sighed at their idiocy and started typing on her phone. She felt her pruned up fingers touch the clear, glass screen that gave a weird texture.

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