23- Mess With My Head.

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Jeanette woke up to the irritating sound of her alarm. She groaned as she grabbed her phone and closed her eyes shut when the screen turned a provocative, prominent luminous light. She left her phone aside and sat up groggily. Her eyes were still shut as she was slouching. She pushed her bangs out of her eyesight and got off the bed. She was still sleepy and unbalanced on the floor. She felt herself wobbling her way to the bathroom to start her day.

For a second there, the brunette thought there was someone else in the mirror, rather than her reflection. "Woh, why do I look so ugly." She opened her eyes widely, and looked at her swollen eyes. "Oh right. I cried myself to sleep." She rubbed her eyes and felt them start to burn. "Okay, I'll stop." She splashed water on her face and began her usual morning routine.

Once she stepped out of the bathroom, she saw the maids cleaning her room. She didn't order them to do so. She was about to say something when her mother entered her room. "Your room was a complete mess. Someone had to tell them to clean it." Jeanette opened her mouth to say something, only for it to close again when her mother told her, "Don't worry, I told them not to touch the boxes."

She sat on her daughter's bed and Jeanette looked at her, "Do you need something, mom?" Penelope put her hair in a ponytail and sighed, "Won't you greet with a good morning?" She told her only daughter who then smiled, "Good morning, mom." She sprung up and her mother gave her a warm smile. "Good morning to you too. Ah, right. So we will be having a family gathering soon. It'll be here. They will be coming over." Penelope informed her and Jeanette looked around, "And what does that have to do with me cleaning my room? It's not like we will be having a family gathering in my room." Jeanette bluntly spoke and the green eyed female placed both hands on her daughter's shoulders. "What if Athanasia wanted to chill in your room for a bit? Yeah, it's not nice letting her into a messy room. Plus, a messy room in general is just suffocating." Both females saw the maids walk out of the room and Penelope laid on her back, looking up. "True, it felt bad coming to my room and seeing a huge mess." Jeanette got off the bed and looked out the window.

The weather today was a bit cloudy. It isn't that thick cloud that gives you the vibes it will rain. No, it was the light clouds that were roaming in the sky. Just giving the sky a bit of change of color. "Pretty sky, today, yeah?" She didn't even turn around but she felt her mother shift behind her. "Yeah. A good weather for a walk." She opened a window and stuck her hand out, feeling the hot breeze hitting her arm lightly. "Never mind. It's hot." She closed the window after pulling her hand in.

Jeanette turned around to hear a knock on the door The was left open. Penelope turned her head to spot her beloved husband. "Oh, Anas, didn't you say you were going?" Penelope didn't move from her place, she just looked at him. "Oh, morning, dad." It was like a whole gathering happening in her room for some odd reason. Was today a gathering in Jeanette's room without her knowing? "Good morning, darling." Anastacius went to his daughter and ruffled her already messy hair. "And second, do you always kick me out of the house early morning? I want to see my daughter." He picked up Jeanette who wriggled underneath his arms, "Dad! Let me down!" He chuckled and Jeanette was still trying to get out of his grasp. "You'll not go to work if I don't kick you out." Penelope placed her chin on the palm of her hand and kept her eyes on her husband and daughter.

After some moments, he finally placed Jeanette down on her feet. Penelope headed towards the blonde male and pecked his cheeks, then patted his arm. "Go." She gave him an innocent smile and he shook his head and she tugged him down, cupping his cheeks before placed a kiss on his lips.

The girl was used to all of this, and in return of this situation, she just turned around, "Please, my eyes." She placed a hand on her eyes to cover them and her father grimaced at her words, "Get you a boyfriend so when you kiss him I'll keep saying that." The blue eyed male proclaimed and she let out a heavy sigh. "Alright, go, now." Penelope was about to push him out of the room, but instead she felt someone push her from behind. She turned around to see her daughter who was pushing them both out of her room. "Have a good day mom and dad." Her father bent to her height and she kissed his cheek, she turned to her mother who did the same and she kissed her cheek. "Have a good day, sweetie." Both said together before walking down the hallway. Jeanette waved her hand and closed the door when they were out of sight.

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