7- Beginning Of Serial Lies.

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The set was pretty loud as they were moving here and there. They were getting ready to get to the filming destination. They just recorded some scenes in the studio, however, they will be going to another place since it had everything needed from location, background, space, props and much more.

"Since the small actress' have arrived for some scenes that are missing, let's do it. We will finish season 1 completely, today. Lucas and Madeline are going to go first..." Athanasia heard what the director said as she was following behind him.

They were all making their way to their vehicles. Jeanette joined Athanasia, thinking it's conducive for the both of them. "Madeline is so cute. Like a mini version of you!" Jeanette exuberantly denoted. "That's the whole point, Jeanette. But I agree, she is adorable." She unconsciously looked out of the window to spot Lucas and Madeline chatting. The young girl had a big smile on her face as she was moving her hands while talking. Athanasia was about to look away until she saw Lucas pick up the small girl. "He is going to drop her!" Athanasia commented and Jeanette laughed. "Anyone can pick up a child, Athy." Jeanette put a hand on her cousin's shoulder. "Not him!" Athanasia rolled down her window and looked at the guy.

"Put the child down, you'll not be responsible if she gets hurt, right?" Athanasia yelled so he could hear her and he glanced at her. When Madeline saw Athanasia, she pointed at her and Lucas looked at Madeline, shaking his head, 'no'. "I can pick up a kid, miss can't calm down." He shouted and she smiled furiously, "I will ri-" She was cut off with Jeanette rolling up the window, "Jeanette!" The blonde looked at the brunette in disbelief, "Not today. Not on my watch." The blonde huffed and crossed her arms.

After the short car ride, they finally reached their destination. Athanasia stepped out of the car with the bodyguards help. She had a grip on the skirt of the dress as she held it up so she doesn't trip and fall.

By the time they entered the castle, the team were already filming the scene that is being acted out right in front of them. Athanasia took a seat and took out her phone. "I didn't know what to do! So I just went to my mom and she told me it is not big deal." The soft voice came from the little girl who looked like a clone of Athanasia.

'They seem to be getting along well. Is he good with children or are my eyes deceiving me?' Athanasia thought to herself, internally.

"Great job! Let's head to the next scene. Lucas and Madeline...." The director was speaking but Athanasia didn't pay attention to the other things he added. She stood up from her place and followed them out, "This isn't your scene, though?" Ijekiel held her wrist and she nodded, "I know. I want to see his bad acting skills. C'mon!" She held Ijekiel's hand and pulled him with her. Ijekiel, on the other hand was looking at his hand that is being held by the gorgeous, sweet girl. Ijekiel had to hide his face in his arm so the girl can't see his flustered face.

Athanasia turned around to look at Ijekiel and saw his face behind his shirt sleeve, "Are you, okay?" She stopped walking and he quickly took his arm away, "Yeah." He nodded a little. "Your face is red... are you sure you're not going to get a heatstroke?" She pressed her hand to his cheek, then his forehead. She was on her tippy toes so she could reach him. "I-I'm fine. Let's go, shall we?" Be changed the subject and she hesitantly turned around and continued walking towards the cameramen.


The little girl was staring at the little black animal, while it also stared back at her. Her eyes were big as she looked at that small creature. The creature cocked it head to the side a bit.

"Cute!" The little girl mumbled. She shook her head a little and moved the bushes away so she could get closer to him, "Hello?" She spoke as she tried to walk up to him, "I'll give you some food, why don't you come over here?" And by he time she got there, the small creature leaped itself away from the girl. "Ah!" She ran behind him, full force. The creature was much faster than the small blonde girl. The faster it ran, the more tired the girl felt. "Wait!" She yelled as if the creature could understand her.

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