22- You Don't Know.

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Jeanette hastened her way to her room, almost tripping on her feet of how fast she was bundling. She was thankful to the fact that neither of her parents were home at this time, so they don't see her in this state she is in right now. She abominated when people saw her in her weak state.

The brunette fell down the stairs that led her to her room. She felt her legs feeling tingly, but she couldn't care less about it. She was stranded on the stairs, having her skirt lifted up ascribed to when she tumbled on her steps, exposing things that shouldn't be shown to anyone. The blue eyed female's vision was blurry; unable to see things clearly because of the big blob of tears that are unable to escape her eyes due to her holding them in. She pulled her leg close to her and saw how the blood dribbled in rivulets down her knees, painting and blemishing the white carpet. "Ah, shit, this stain will be hard to clean." She cachinnated humorlessly, unaware of the tears escaping her eyes, up until she saw one fall on the red blood stain on the carpet that she caused.

For a second there, she wanted to stay there and not move. Keep herself exposed to anyone who's going to walk up or down the stairs. Let everyone see her weakest state. Reveal all the emotions she has been bottling up. But she wasn't that barmy to let everyone see her in such shameless spot.

She gradually picked herself up and trembled her way to her bedroom. She felt her shaky arms as she turned the knob of the door. She sobbed once she entered her room, closing the door behind her and sliding down against it until she sat down on the floor. She puled in discontent. She weeped in her hands, letting herself let all the frustration out.

Her room was the same as the way she left it before leaving the house. The curtains not opened, her bed unmade, her clothes left on the couch and boxes filled with things she ordered online. She hasn't told a maid to clean her room, yet, because she wanted to see the things she wanted to keep or throw away, but she has been delaying it because of the filming sessions and her hanging out with her friends.

She was angry, but she was mostly enraged at herself. She was displeased with herself. She was acrimonious because she wasn't his presumption of a perfect partner. That she wasn't good enough. That she wasn't pretty enough. That she wasn't talented enough. That she wasn't witty enough. Even if she tried really hard to become his ideal lover, he would still pick Athanasia over her and she knows it by heart. She doesn't know why she even tries to grab his attention when his eyes are always looking for the small blonde.

Jeanette stopped crying when her phone started ringing. She took her phone out of her mini backpack and saw the contact name. It was Athanasia. Jeanette put her phone on silent and threw her phone away from her. She looked up at the ceiling feeling doleful, the tears still flowing down her face like a river. She sobbed anxiously.

She contemplated her bloody leg and wiped the blood with the palm of her hand before showing herself her bloody hand. She felt her knee twinge, again and she winced in agony. She hauled herself to the alcohol wipe on the desk as she held her leg. She started cleaning the wound and disinfecting it. She flinched and sucked in breath every time she dabbed the wipe on the cut in her leg. She bandaged it when she was done, but it was still painful and burning. "It would be nice if someone did it for me. Maybe it would be less painful." She sniffled and outspread her injured leg.

The girl who was drenched in her own tears dragged herself to her bed that she laid on once she got a little close to it. "He said it nicely, why am I feeling like this. I should just accept it." She hugged her pillow and curled against it. "Maybe I should call Daisy." She sat up at a slow pace, looking around her bedroom for her phone. She picked up her phone and saw the text messages from her cousin.

3:57PM, Today.

Athy (3:57PM): Jeanette are you okay?

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