48- How Could I Ever Hate You?

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And just like that, weeks that felt so long came to an end. Exam season came and ended. Projects with people Athanasia was unfamiliar with ended with a big success. Assignments that kept accumulating before even understanding their point were handed and graded. Sleepless nights, worrying about an unfinished assignment, doing it last minute because she forgot about was now all done. Everything... was finally over? No, not really, she had a month of summer classes.

"UGHHH WHY DID I EVEN SIGN UP FOR THEM." Wailed Athanasia as she stuffed her face with fruits her mother kept cutting.

The mere thought of going back to college after her small break was draining. If there's one thing Athanasia misses it's school. She misses school but doesn't miss college. College was relatively different than school. Maybe it's because her friends and not here with her? Maybe it's because she's very distant at college.

Her mother who was peacefully cutting the fruits smiled softly. "So you can finish quickly." She said. "Don't fret, my daughter!" She stabbed the apple with her knife. "After all that we will spend the best summer vacation in Jeju with your uncle, aunt and cousin. Cheer up." She began cutting up the apple she accidentally stabbed.

Athanasia pouted and crossed her arms. "Should I just fake my death so I wouldn't have to do anything." She jokingly said.

Her mother eyed her before placing more fruit on Athanasia's plate. "Or you could just retire, marry someone that will be obsessed with you and become a housewife." She lightheartedly suggested.

Athanasia snapped her head towards her mother, feeling chills crawl on her body. "You sounded like Ellie for a second."

Her mother paused what she was doing, turning to her daughter. "Did I?" She said and Athanasia nodded her head. "Well, she is funny. I like her."

Athanasia looked at the plate in front of her and whined, "Mooomm, I'm full- stop cutting fruit." She pushed the plate away from her a bit.

"Oh." Diana looked at her hands to see the amount of fruit she cut. "...Call your father." She placed the knife down.

"Okay." Athanasia stood up from her place and headed to wash her hands before going to call her father.

Athanasia knocked on the door before she entered. "Dad." She said. "Mom is calling you... she's really angry." She lied, but made sure it wasn't showing that she was lying. Maybe being an actress has it perks.

Her father lifted his head from the pile of paperwork, staring at her. "Is she?"

"Yeah, she's so angry you can see her face red, you can feel the heat a million miles away, I swear she's transmitting thermal energy as if she was fuming." She nodding her head slightly as she acted as she was thinking about it. "It feels like you're standing outside in the heat."

He stood up from his seat, organizing his papers. "What did you do?" He asked her.

Athanasia gasped and shook her head. "She told me to call you. I didn't do anything." She said. "What did you do." She had to hold back her laughter as she saw her father halt.

"I don't think I've done anything to anger her..." He replied and looked at his daughter when he finished organizing everything.

"Mom's waiting for you in the living room downstairs." She told him before she walked away, heading towards the living room. She heard the footsteps of her father behind her. They silently walked together to the same location. Athanasia kept a straight face the whole time, acting as if nothing's wrong.

"Diana." Her father called out for his wife when they reached the living room.

His wife turned to him, a smile on her face. "Oh, darling, here! Eat some fruit, did you finish your paperwork? I saw a lot on your table." She told him as she placed the plate in front of his seat.

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