26- Family Gathering.

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Maybe, just maybe Athanasia should've actually slept yesterday night, rather than staying awake and thinking about useless things. Because...

The blonde yawned as she was slumped on the couch. She had a hand covering her mouth and her eyes closed. She was leaning against her mother who shook her head slightly at the sight of her exhausted daughter.

"Athanasia, did you sleep last night?" That was the voice of her one and only aunt, Penelope. Her parents and her had left the house early in the morning to come over here. Apparently, they will be spending the whole day here in her Aunt and Uncle's residence before going home at night.

Athanasia liked spending time with her family. A small, cozy family. But, it wasn't fun when she was begging for sleep. As of now, she was searching for any soft spot to sleep on. However, it was disrespectful to sleep while visiting her family. In other words, she had to deal with it whether she liked it or not.

Athanasia stifled a yawned and stretched, before letting her hands fall in her lap. "I did. I slept late, that's why. I couldn't sleep for some reason." Athanasia pouted a little and scratched her head while shrugging.

She knew damn well why she couldn't sleep last night, but of course, she couldn't say as of why she couldn't sleep. It will just bring up unwanted questions.

"Ah, try to relax your muscles and think of nothing. I heard that helps." Jeanette chimed in, placing down the tea tray after giving everyone their tea's.

Athanasia gave her a deadpanned look. "Ah, Jeanette, Nette, Jetty, cousinette, how can I not think? That's impossible! Do you ever not... not think..?" Athanasia furrowed her eyebrows at the thought of not thinking at all. Head empty of thoughts. It is impossible, no human being is able to do such thing.

Jeanette paused for a second, then began laughing as she took a seat next to her father. "Sorry, my bad. Think about... like you're somewhere relaxing? Beach? Or somewhere you find relaxing..." She gave a suggestion to the blonde who was eyeing her with hesitation.

A sigh escaped the blonde's lips, leaving the brunette obscure. "Hm, I'll try that, I guess." She picked up the saucer that had her teacup balanced on top of it. She got the teacup close to her mouth and the aroma of the tea filled her nostrils, making her smile subconsciously. 'Who would've thought that you can get so happy by just smelling tea?'

Athanasia rested her teacup on the saucer with a small clack of both porcelain materials colliding. She glanced at the adults who were blabbering about something she didn't know of. She would be lying if she said she wasn't curious on what they were chatting about. She chose to keep quiet and listen to their conversation, in hopes of her understanding the topic that got them... riled up? Athanasia didn't know. She had put her full attention onto their conversation to the extent where she didn't even realize her cousin tapping her shoulder and calling her multiple times.

"Athanasia!" Jeanette called out loudly to grab the girl's attention.

Athanasia jumped, as she didn't expect Jeanette yelling. She pushed her eyebrows closer to each other and gave Jeanette a look that meant 'what?'.

Jeanette smiled and filled up her teacup. "Nothing." She gave her a big smile and Athanasia couldn't get mad at her cousin.

Even though Jeanette is older than Athanasia, sometimes Athanasia felt as if she was older than her. It felt like she was babysitting her at times. However, Athanasia admired Jeanette. Jeanette always made everyone in the room happy, from small chuckles to pits of laughter. A beaming light. She wanted to be the same as her, someone who made people happy by just being there, or even entering a room. She knew she could never compare to her. She envied her.

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