41- The Start Of Something New.

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"We're finishing this seasons filming soon... I can't believe it." Said Jeanette as she eyed her script. "Most of the crew aren't here since they finished filming their scenes.." She lifted her head to see Athanasia sadly nodding her head.

"I'll have to go back to college after we're done." She spoke sadly, without even looking at her face, her voice just says it all. Athanasia is so passionate about acting, that the thought of going back to college to continue studying just because she's the heiress of her fathers corporation is mentally exhausting. However, she feels obligated to do it, to repay her parents kindness.

Jeanette easily sympathized Athanasia. She wrapped her arms around her cousin and patted her back. "Let's have fun in set while it lasts, okay?" She said enthusiastically.

Athanasia couldn't help but smile, pulling away after some seconds. "Yeah, let's have fun while it lasts."

Jeanette nodded her head. "Oh right," She glanced at her script real quick. "What scene are you going to do now?"

"The kiss one." Athanasia responded.

Jeanette flipped to the page. "Ah, the cheek one."

"To be honest," Athanasia looked up from Jeanette script, eyes now fixed on the crew members that are setting up the lights. "I thought that filming this scene will be as awkward as the last scene we filmed."

"Which scene?"

"The one where I pinned Lucas against the wall." She stared at Jeanette, seeing her expression change quickly.

"Ohhhh!!" Jeanette let out a small laugh. "You guys seemed to be on reaaaallllyyyyy bad terms back then."

"Yeah." Athanasia smiled, concealing her laughter. "It took a lot of takes to get it right. I almost tripped 'cause he is so tall." She gestured with her hand ass she spoke. "Plus, the bad terms thingy did not make it any better, If anything, it made it worse. Much, much worse."

"Awh, poor you." Jeanette might've said that, but in reality, she was laughing at Athanasia.

Athanasia knew that her cousin was laughing at her. "Thank you for this dishonest reclaim." She said. "Why is my dear cousin laughing at my suffering? Do you find it amusing?" Athanasia knew the answer, but still asked it.

Jeanette at this rate wasn't even hiding her laughter, she just let it all out. Athanasia crossed her arms as she stared at her cousin, rolling her eyes jokingly. A smile was plastered on her face the whole time.

Faint footsteps from afar, slowly becoming louder and louder. Both girls halted what they were doing and turned their head towards that direction, to spot none other than Ijekiel. "Hey." He waved his hand as he picked up his pace, heading towards them. "What got you laughing so hard?"

"Two words, Athanasia's suffering." Honestly answered Jeanette, holding her stomach from how hard she was laughing.

Athanasia hid her face behind her script. "Stop." She giggled soon after saying it.

"What were you guys even talking about?" Ijekiel asked.

Athanasia shrugged, "Oh, just the scene I'm about to film with Lucas."

"The cheek kiss." Added Jeanette to Athanasia's statement.

"Ah." Ijekiel slightly nodded his head. Jeanette noticed the slight frown, but she choose not to bring it up. She knew that Ijekiel knew that it was all fake, but sometimes you can't help but be jealous if your girlfriend is doing such thing with another man. (Plus, he haven't even kissed her cheek yet, at least as a real couple.)

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