1 : Wedding Cake ✅

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Savvy's POV

“You are crazy.....” Sara complained again. God! This lady is the same as a mom. Wherever I go home, Mrs Rogers complaint about me like a 6-year-old and here, in the bakery, I have Sara to deal with.

“I will check them.” I rolled my eyes and wore my apron again. She knew better not to disturb me when the baker mode is on.

But surprisingly, she dared to disturb today. I love baking. It's my medicine. It makes my day. I feel happy and today, Sarai Rossi is a big hurdle between my happiness and me.

“Sara... I want to try something new.”

“You need to rest. I can see your dark circles.”

“I will rest once I am done with this unique cake.”

“Stop....” She demanded. “You will not bake his wedding cake. Are you out of your mind?” She yelled.

“No. I am completely fine. You are out of your mind. You should be at the hospital, taking care of the patients. You are a licensed nurse.” I reminded her. This is normal. I always remind her that she's wasting her talent, her education, hard-work. She worked day and night for her education and now, she helps me in my bakery.

“Savannah... This is my choice. I have a family to look for. Your bakery keeps me busy when I am free from my daily life.” She added. “I love you like a family. Your father was the one who helped me when I had no one. I can't see you like this. You are hurting yourself.”

“I am not hurting.” I laughed. “I already moved on.”

“Then don't prepare his wedding cake.”

“No... It's my BEST FRIEND's wedding. You know, I am the best baker they know.” I faked my excitement. “I can't wait to bake that shitty cake.”

“That bastard dares to send you an invitation.”

“Even I was offered the position of Maid of honour.” I almost vomit when I recollect the memory of them being naked in his flat. I suspected about his distant behaviour and assumed that would be professional stress as he is a professional footballer but no, I was so wrong. He was seeing my so-called best friend.

When I saw them, I confronted them immediately without wasting any moment. Josh denied and claimed his undying love whereas Grace was crying with no words. They declared it was a mistake, but they couldn't stop having sex. They don't love each other, but they were addicted to each other's body. Their addiction brought them to marriage as Grace is pregnant now.

“That son of bi....” Sara was about to burst, but she stopped and clear her throat. “Beaches.” She finally said. I immediately understood that kids are around.

“Mama.....” I heard Dan... No Matt running to his Mama, Sara, with a cute pout. Seeing two little versions of Valerio Rossi was soothing. I almost lost the hope of Valerio's happiness, but Sara was determined and refuse to leave. Finally, they are happy. Although it took years for the Rossi family to forgive Sara. And, it turned out to be true, 'to move on you must accept the past'.

“Matt always runs away from me....” Eli complained and walked to Matt.

As Eli approach him, that 2 years old boy hugged his mama as if the 12 years old redhead will snatch him from his mama forever.

“Matty..... È tua sorella.” Sara scooped up her boy into her arms, but he refused to listen to his mama about Eli and shook his head while hugging her tight.
(She's your sister)

“He doesn't love me...” Eli whined. Matt peeked at his sister and wiped the invisible tear before hugging his mother again.

“Matty loves Eli.” Sara cooed the toddler.

“Eli loves Matty too.” Eli cooed her baby brother as well.

“Eli, where is Dan?” I asked.

“With Papa and Suri.” She answered and turned to Sara. “We are here to take you.” She left.

“The weekend is full of kids.” Sara faked a whined to earn a hug from her boy.

“Everyone takes advantage of my Matty,” I asked him, but he just frowned and finally, beamed at me with a smile.

“Savvy...” He called.

“Everyone loves you,” Sara said.

“There is an exception.” I pointed at the Flour.

“Don't prepare their wedding cake...” Sara begged. She and mom were there when I discovered the cheating of my boyfriend and best friend.

Valerio Almost killed Josh. Dad has dug all the information about him and concluded that Josh was right. Grace and Josh were guilty and tried to stop, but they couldn't.

“They were important to me...... Once upon a time.” I said. “I'll be with them this time too.”

“He will manipulate you... You know he loves you.”

“No, he doesn't love me. He wants me because we lost our virginity to each other... If he can backstab his best friend then I was just his girlfriend.”

“I agree... For Josh, you hurt HIM. HE was hurt.” Sara packed her bag and was ready to leave.

“How is HE?” I asked.

“Better.” She said without looking at me. I was confused either she was hiding her face or didn't want to talk about him.

“Can I meet HIM?” I asked again.

“Not now...” She replied before walking out.

I stood staring at the flour thinking whether I should call Mrs Carter to help me or not. My love for my ex-best friend is still there, but she betrayed me. She witnessed me falling for Josh, yet she slept with him. She's scared about this pregnancy and needed me by her side, but like always I failed to support other loved ones. I am selfish that I choose myself over Grace. But again, Sara preached to me that it's good to be selfish for yourself.

Deciding to prepare the cake by myself, I immediately went to work and lost the track of time. The people that worked with me was so helpful that they managed the bakery and successfully closed the bakery and left the kitchen for me. I was the last person to leave.

“Savannah.....” I heard the new boy calling me. “This is for you.” He passed me a letter.

Dismissing him, I opened the letter to find an order for a donation like every weekend. As usual, unknown. Who orders this cookie every week?

* Who is him?

* Who orders Cookies every weekend?

* (For those, who already finished beth & Eliza-beth) Where was Mrs Carter mentioned in 1st book, beth?

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