40: Hopeful Future

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Savvy's POV

Building a house is easy, but a home is difficult. We have been trying to settle everything but the task doesn't want to get finished. The master bedroom and the kitchen was done on the same day, I shifted.

“Love....” I heard Hunter calling me. “Why this woman is here?”

Storming towards the angry voice, I see Hunter glaring at Maddy who was sticking her tongue out like Joy and Izzy. When this girl will grow up?

“I want this woman out of my house,” Hunter demanded.

“It's my house, and she is an Interior designer. I need her.” I announced my decision.

“Don't you have a home? Shaw girl.” Hunter hissed at Maddy.

“I don't want to live with your backstabbing fiancée.” Showing her fist, Maddy left the bedroom with her sketchbook.

“She is my best friend... Don't ever misbehave with her.” I warned Hunter. “What are you doing in my house?”

“I said I am not leaving.” He walked to the door to locked it. “This room is going to be our bedroom.”

“My bedroom... If you want to help then paint the nursery.”

“I want to help.” He stepped towards me. “First, we need to talk.”

“I am ready to talk but tell me what else happened that night? What happened to the body?”

“I dissolved him into Acid.” He blurts. “Chopped his body into parts, then dissolve it in acid, and later I dispose the acid on barren soil in the next state... No one will know.”

As soon as he finished the confession of his crime, I couldn't control my emotions and run into the bathroom to throw up. The way he speaks was destructive. He wasn't guilty, looked relaxed as if he was talking about the grocery.

“I knew... Your reaction to that's why I refused to tell you.” Patting my back, he said. Helping me stand up and settle down on the bed, he left me to bring food.

I always imagined no matter what our environment is, what we want to be would be our decision. But, We are criminals now. I killed a man and Hunter dispose of his body. What about his family?

“I cooked chicken soup.” Mumbling, Hunter settle food on the bed table. “I brought it... For you.” Without looking at me, Hunter explained the surprise presence of the bed table.

“I can't eat... Not after knowing... We are criminals.” I was about to cry.

“We not criminals... It was self-defence. He was paid to kill me. You saved me. There is nothing wrong with it.”

“What about his family?”

“They died...” He climbed on the bed beside me. “He was a mercenary. His loyalty was money. So, the Sicilian Mafia found him.” He feeds me. “ It was their revenge from his family.”

“He had a terrible life,” I mumbled, thanking Dad for my stable life. He worked hard to give me a safe environment. I was shocked to learn that August Costello was a Schmidt. He lived with for almost 11 years, yet he never harmed me. But he kidnapped Mom, raped her and even tried to kill Max. And I know, August loved Mom. Even Mom and Dad are aware. They all had a terrible life.

“Don't make my life terrible,” Hunter begged and slammed his lips on me. pulling me on his lap, he held me right making sure not to hurt the babies. “You said we can restart.”

“Tell me what happened that night.” Caressing his hair, I looked at his eyes to locate unspoken answers. The cloud of His insecurities is visible, but I knew one thing, I love the father of my children so much that I am reconsidering his offer. A home where I will bake, and he will be a coach, and we have our little family.

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