37: Women in love

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Savvy's POV



The other woman.

I am failing to interpret my feelings into words. It's like living in the past. Realizing that the person you love doesn't love you any more. Or. In my case, never loved you. 

When mom left, I felt rejected, deceived. I blamed myself for fleeing her away. Giving up hopes of momma's arrival was heartbreaking. But I had to do. When she was back with Synn, my heart shattered. I assumed she doesn't love me, any more. I was being a bad girl that's why she chose Synn.

I am still not aware of the incident between her and Dad, but I know the outcome; Momma left me, forever. Whenever she came to meet me, either she was too late or she was in hurry for her other business. Mostly involving Synn. She poured her heart into taking care of him, but he never called her mother.

For Synn Rossi, Sarah Rossi was his mother. For many years, Synn assumed Momma as his caretaker. She chose to stay with him and rejected me. I was her daughter too. She claimed Synn is too young, but I was 3 years old when she left. I was told young too.

I promised myself, I will never be her. Neither I will follow her path but today, I am just like her. Like mother, like daughter. But I vowed that I will never abandon my children. This is the least I could do.

Taking the first bite of Apple forcefully, I swallowed and looked at the audience staring at me with pity.

“Stop staring. I am just eating.” My voice was low but audible enough. It was not ordered or demand. It was simply a statement to neutralize the tension.

Jenny resumed her work while Mom and Sara took their seat beside me. They both have been trying to talk to me, but I decline to have any conversation with a human. I would rather talk to the wall. At least, the truth is assured. I would be aware that the walls would never answer. I am afraid of humans now.

“You are not eating well.” Sara stared, which is not new. I knew for 23 weeks of pregnancy my diet is not sufficient, but I can't help myself. I tried to eat forcefully, but nausea constantly hits me.

“I am trying,” I mumbled with aim of dismissing any chats with these women who are equivalent to victims of their love. Gran and Jenny are good.

Mom knew Dad's plan yet she stayed. Sara faces abuse now and then, yet she stayed, even she married that man. No, these women beside me are a bad influence. I have to keep a distance from them or else I would end up as the other woman in Bea and Hunter's story. Like Momma.

“Then try harder....” Sara's voice had no emotions. “Happiness needs work. Hard work. If you want to be happy then try harder.”

“Sara... I warned you.” Mom notified.

“Beth, I am talking to Savannah.” Chuckling with no humour, Sara said.

“You are talking to my daughter. My daughter.” Mom almost raised to get a voice.

“Then why didn't you tell me about Hunter and Bea?” I asked my STEP-mother. 


This is the first time I consider her not my mom but as a stepmother. My mind is desolate from any emotions, and I am afraid I would say something which I'll regret later.

“Nothing important.” I dismissed and was about to get up, but mom stopped me.

Mom almost chokes with tears. “I wasn't aware of this...”

I scoffed. “You mean Dad wasn't aware of this.” I laughed with no humour. “Dad is unofficially known as Secret keeper, he keeps a tab on every people around him. Every people. Even dogs. He prepared a file investigating, your therapy dog, Racer. Even Tinker and Snow.”

“What!!!” Sara exclaimed. “He investigated dogs.”

“That's not the point.” Mom glared at Sara. “He was a concern about our security.”

“Then why he didn't want me about Hunter?” I cried out.

“He did warn you... He said you shouldn't go to Josh and Grace's wedding. It was your decision. You know, Mark gives you privacy and when he interferes in any of your decision then he means something.” Mom defended her husband. Suddenly, I realize that she truly loves dad. Her love is blind. And Sara's love is toxic. I don't want this life.

“He could have told me directly.”

“You are being immature.” Sara interferes. “You were not involved with Hunter. Why would he gossip about someone's matter to the other person? Now- in the present, you are involved with Hunter. You are Hunter's family. His only Family. So now, Mark can tell everything if you talk to him.”

“You mean if I ask Dad, he would tell me.” I huffed.

“Of course...” Sara was confident. “But my advice to you is to talk to Hunter.”

“As if he would tell me.” I almost laughed. “He had chances... I gave him chances... But no- he never uttered a single word about it.”

“He is still waiting for you in your house,” Mom yelled. “It's been one week.”

“That is not my house. It belonged to Gran and Bea will decorate it.” I challenged them.

“That house is under your name... And Hunter is a mess right now.” Mom glared at me.

“You are still supporting him... What happened when you find out about Josh? I guess it's your favourite Hunter this time.” I retorted.

“She's the same bitchy Savvy...” Sara chuckled with anger.

“I understand...” Mom's voice changed. She's a concern now. “She's pregnant. Hunter hid something that has the power to change their future.”

“Hunter encountered the worse. He surprised me..... He managed to stay stable.” Sara said. “Mark will tell you about his life, but Hunter will e explain to you his life.”

“All I know, it all started with a mistake...” Keeping her blue eyes on me, “Gage Maxwell wanted to clean this mess. So he made a deal with August in exchange for me. He wanted Hunter dead. Yet, Hunter risked his life to save you... Mark had to kill Gage To save Hunter. But now, things are complicated. Steve Morrison knows about you...” She said. “Thanks for joining the wedding of your Ex.” With anger, mom stormed out.

“Who is Steve Morrison?” I asked.

“Another son of bitch.” Rolling eyes, Sara followed mom.

“Somebody...... tell me what is happening?” I yelled but no one answered. Again, I am stuck with a question. But I was determined to find the answers.

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