16 : Issues with Everybody

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Savvy's POV

“I know to drive,” I said but again, I was ignored. My younger brother, Synn and Mom are talking to as if I am invisible. What is wrong with them?

“So you are the best man in the wedding?” Mom asks him. While he hummed as his reply and continued to drive. “And where is Antonio?”


“In search of monks?” She laughed.

“No, for business. But I am sure he is looking for mama Sarah.”

“Any clues about her?” I intruded their conversation but again, they ignored me. Even, I am worried about Mrs Rossi. She stood for Momma Abigail and Synn, when everyone was blaming them.

“Why are you so sure about her being there?” Mom inquired. There are lot many places in the world that provide peace then why Himalayan mountain?

“I don't know.” He said. “Maybe instinct.”

“I am here with both of you.” Yelling, I tried to get their attention. “Why are we going to the hospital?”

“Since you are killing my grandchild, I want to see my grandchild for the last time.” Yelling with equal strength, mom sobbed. “I hate that you don't want my grandchild.”

“You are just 30 years old... I have enough time for that.” I looked at Synn for help but instead, I find him smiling. What is so funny about crying, Mrs Rogers? Dad will ruin if he finds out his Elizabeth was crying. He will never allow me for abortion, as this is the reason. I am allowed to live my life because mom wanted me to have my independence; Otherwise, the scenario could have been different.

“Beth, it is her decision.” Finally, Synn came for my rescue. But I knew, he didn't mean any of his words. He is forcing these words to come out of his mouth.

“Even you don't support me.” I scowled at my brother. We haven't spent much time with each other, but I know him. Our bonding started to grow after Momma Abigail die with our unborn sibling.

“What makes you think I will support you in your stupidity?” He retorted.

“So, I am a murderer.”

“You want this child, Savvy.” The confidence in his voice was remarkable. It was like he knew me inside out. “You are denying this fact because I believe the father rejected you both.”

“2 hours is passed.” Mom reminded about the deadline, which means 4 hours to go. “In the 5th hour, he will propose you for the marriage.”

“We are having a child, together. It doesn't mean we have to get married. Co-parenting can be an option.” I attempted to convince her. Her composed posture is waiting to explode. She loves Hunter like a family, and it would be heartbreaking if she learns about the issue between me and Hunter.

“I don't care about that 'so-called' father. All I care about is my children. You know that. If that piece of shit is forcing you the abortion, then I would make sure he will never be the father again.” Fuming with anger, Mom hit my seat and impact was great.

“Beth, she is pregnant.” Synn stopped the car and helped mom to get out.

“Not for long.” Accusing me, she walked inside the building premise, faster. Despite her height of 5.1, she walks faster. Even Synn had to run to match her pace, and he is 6.4 feet.

I was ignored by both person beside me, who continued to go talk to each other. They were busting planning the upcoming wedding of Sara and Val. There were so many children, that wanted to be flower girls, ring-bearer and many more. The selection was turning into a difficult task.

I doubted three years back, whether they would even get married. Suddenly one day, Elijah came into the house with a new girl. Sara expressed her doubt over the girl but Elijah being Elijah dismissed her. He hated her for revealing the truth about Synn. After the discovery of the truth, Kate killed herself.

The same day when everyone learnt the truth, the members of the Rossi family died. Along with Kate, the unborn child of Mr Rossi died with Momma Abigail and Mrs Rossi shot Mr Rossi to death. So many died in one day.

“Savannah Rogers.” My name was called and involuntary, I find myself walking inside the cabin and mom followed me.

“Mrs Rogers. Long time, no see.” Dr Morris hugged mom. “Another child on the way?”

“I am the patient,” I said.

“How can I help you?” She asked, holding her stethoscope.

“I am here for an abortion.” speaking first, I snatched the opportunity for abortion. Why to wait, when things can be done.

“Okay.” Looking at mom, she answered me. It must be surprising for her that the daughter of Elizabeth Rogers-Schmidt is opting abortion instead of keeping the child. “Have you consider the other option?”

“Yes, I have. And I prefer abortion.”

“The father agreed?” I was taken aback by her question. She is interrogation me like a family. Mom is close to Dr Morris, and she adores her.

“Isn't anything....” I was about to tell but the glares from mom shut me up.

“I want to see the child before an abortion.” Mom pleaded to me. “For last time.”

Nodding, I permitted Dr Morris. I changed my clothes and answered all the questions asked by Dr Morris. My heart was beating at a fast pace. Few hours and there will be no baby.

“This will feel cold,” warning me, she applied the cold gel. Flinching away, I held mom's hand who was buying wiping her tears. I followed her sight to find the scenery.

There was my baby. A small bean on the black screen. I remember holding Silver for the first time, before seeing her I doubted if she is my sister. When I see her, her hazel eyes were looking at me instead of Dad. Even seeing Abi, I witness Dad's clone.

“We will have 6 copies of it.” Mom sobbed.

“Can I have one too?” I asked.

“Of course....” Dr Morris smiled professionally that gave me chills. “For the abortion...”

“I want to keep it.” I blurt out. These words were out of my mouth without my acknowledgement, and it was too late to realize. For a moment, I assume both the ladies didn't hear me, but I was so wrong. They heard me and were smiling.

Mom looked relieved and Dr Morris hides a smile while looking at her computer.

“I promise, I will be a good girl. I will sleep on time, I will......” I started ranting, whatever invaded my mind.

“You will be the most loving mother.” Mom cooed me. “3 hours are left. And we will know what the father thinks.”

“He doesn't want my baby... Neither me.” I hugged her tight praying that she would never leave me like Momma Abigail.

“But I want you and my grandchild.” She said. “Mark will take care of him.”

“I don't want him to die.”

“He is not your concern.”

“I think there is an issue with your pregnancy.” Dr Morris interrupted us and hurried to arrange her equipment.

“I am sorry, I was angry... I wasn't thinking straight” I cried thinking worst. Dr Morris looks worried. Is everything fine with my baby? “I don't want to lose my baby.”

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