23: Gossip Girls

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Savvy's POV

“The situation is under control.” I have been chanting the same message since the day Hunter warned me. He spends most of the quality time with me, talks anything and everything to children. He gives me the vibe of a caring husband.

However, there is another side that he shows every morning before leaving and night, before sleeping. He is paranoid. Just like Mom was when Vincent wanted me, to give birth to his children. It was disgusting. I am his granddaughter. Yes, not real ones, but I am a granddaughter to His elder brother, pop Marcus. We share the same lineage. But again, this is mafia. They don't go with the rule.

Initially, I thought mom is worried about Eli. Just Eli. Elizabeth Rossi is her firstborn but, no I was so wrong. Elizabeth Bell would never love me as I remind her that there another woman involved with her love, Mark. But, Mom was genuinely worried about me. She accepted me as part of her family before we all realized.

Hunter gave me a newly designed Glock 3 days back. He claimed the Glock is yet to be available in the market. I interrogated him. How does he have them? I doubted if he is mafia which he denied, but I could feel. His body was in distress. He wants to speak to me about something, but he can't.

“I think the father has occupied all of your thoughts.” Maddy pointed at my baby bump that is quite huge for 9 weeks of pregnancy. I am having triplets I knew I would be like a walking penguin by the end of the pregnancy. We are taking precaution. The first trimester requires proper attention.

“I thought you were busy with the arrangements with your cousin's engagement.” Mentally rolling my eyes, I continued to eat salad. Hunter makes sure I eat on time. He packs lunch for me.

“Yes, there is an engagement but it's not my cousin. She's being bitchy.... She should be thankful to me that I denied but instead, she laughs at my face.” Maddy pours all her bitterness in the poor cookies. She munched so hard that it appeared that she was munching a rock.

“I thought cookies were done,” I said taking a piece and looked at her while tasting them. They were fine, well baked.

“They are fine. Just I hate Beatrice. She is always Mama's girl.”

“She's your sister...” I reminded her. “Tell me about this current sibling rivalry.”

“That girl... Just got divorced and is eager to marry.” She sighed. “Arthur loved her. But she wasn't happy. When I refused to the arranged marriage, she jumped in. She said the guy looked hot.”

“Who is he?”

“I am not interested... I just don't want to end up like Gracie or Bea.”

“But maybe you could end up like Mrs Carter... Her husband gave a huge order for her birthday. She's lucky. He loves her a lot.”

“You know Dr Caius Solomon?” The name brought me many memories. Val hates this man. He thinks Dr Solomon will snatch his Principessa, Sara from him.

“Are you seeing him?” I ask nudging her shoulder.

“No...” She yelled. “He is a decade older than us.”

“Just like my mom and dad... Dad used to look like in his 50s when he met mom... And mom still looks like a high school girl” Laughing like a high school girl, I teased her.

“Mrs Rogers is the short height with the babyface, but Mr Rogers looks hot... He taught me an important lesson for life, the look doesn't matter to stay healthy and the audience will envy you.” She said.

“So what is about Dr Solomon?” Curiosity hit me. Despite being a psychiatrist, he is a desiring sight to eyes. Any woman would want him and I understand Val's insecurity. However, Valerio is underestimating himself. He is Rossi and all Rossi looks perfect in the look department. It is Rossi genes.

“I visited to Dr Morris when I miraculously encounter with a file of his patient...named Anastasia Carter. I assume... Carter couple are not perfect. He abused her.” she whispered with interest. Gossip is her favourite.

“Whatever..... but they are working on each other. I know, Mr Carter loves his wife. Not every couple is perfect.”

“Another thing about Dr Solomon..... I saw him with Bea. I know I am gossiping about my sister, but I can't help it... Likewise, I think Arthur divorced her. Mom says the potential brother is around my age, and he asked for my hand, but I am happily single.”

“He agrees to marry Bea?” She nodded as a response to my question and I drowned in the thought of marrying someone you are not in love. Dad was going to marry Emily, but he never loved her. At that moment, everything was a compulsion to him but now, be does everything with all his heart. He is even ready to host a family gathering every month because mom wants to make amends with all the Schmidt.

“She wants you to take the order of her engagement,” Maddy informed. “Especially cake.”

“Don't worry, I will be there with cake.” Saluting her, I finished my meal. “I also have to work on Sara's wedding.”

“There is a problem,” Maddy mumbled and her attempt to hid guilt turned into a successful mission. I understood whatever she will speak will be categorized as offensive for someone. “Bea doesn't want you..... She thinks you will steal her fiancé.”

“Why would I do that?” I frowned learning Bea's insecurity. She is beautiful there is nothing to worry about me neither I am free enough to give her fiancée my time. I am trying to build my relationship with Hunter. Father of my children.

“You are beautiful... She liked Josh before giving a chance to Arthur. So, you know what I mean.”

“Tell her, I am already seeing someone.”

“You don't have a lie. She's no one important that you have to lie. She was married before... she already got two engagement parties... I am sure she will throw another party, if things won't work between her and the guy. This guy will divorce her. Bea has a habit of chasing every man in the market. Even Married men. Can you imagine she tried to seduce your father?”

“What?” I exclaim with this piece of information. “I wasn't informed about his.”

“A Long time back, we were still in school. She called him Eww... He was furious and called ...parents. And I think, he never mentions it to you. I was so embarrassed... She keeps her distance with your family.”

“Good for her... Who is this guy?” I ask her again. This question has been my favourite, I have already asked her this many times. But this stupid girl is not aware. Her sister is going to spend her life with him but no one ...interested. Strange.

“I don't know, maybe someone new.....” Maddy tried to remember but failed. “This man is not important... Tell me about you... When you will get married to the father?”

“ I don't have such feelings for him. We are still working.” an attempt to dismiss her failed, her eyes twinkled with known mischievousness that I hate.

“Deny as much as you want.... but you do love him.”

“There is a visitor for you!!!!” Emerson yelled for my attention, where I see the uninvited visitors?

My day just ruined.

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