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Savvy's POV

“You are still here?” I asked watching shirtless Josh walking around the kitchen.

“Yes... Couldn't leave without breakfast.” Tossing pancakes on plates, he decorated four plates out two were for 5 years old my boys, Archer and Armie.

After learning about the death of my baby girl, I was depressed. Clinically depressed. I was even suicidal. I tried to kill myself as well as the boys. The death of my baby girl was a bitter pill to swallow and the fact that she will never come back made my situation worse.

No one let me saw her and this upgraded the level of my misery. Her funeral was already done, without me. All I could get was stories. Her appearance. Her golden hairs. Dad said, her hairs were the same shade as momma when she was a little girl; the difference was that with time, her hair got lighter in shade. Dad says I look so much like momma. While my baby girl was a replica of her grandmother. As if momma was born again.

I am proud of Dad. Despite his poor financial condition in the initial stage of my life, he managed to save me from Steve. He preferred to live in a trailer, did odd jobs, moved from one place to another to protect me. Even momma, like a brave heart, left me with Dad for my security because she knew she's in limelight, who gave birth to younger Rossi, Synn. And if I stayed with her, I would get a better life, a better education but my security will never be guaranteed. She chose the best option available while I always rejected her. She was suffering and I made it worse. Even Synn is guilty of never calling her mother.

Synn and I visit momma every month, but it doesn't help either of us. We meet and talk, try to move on with life and spend time with ourselves.

“You should rest...” Kissing my temple, Josh helped me to sit. “How was the night?”

“Tiring...” Sighing, I rubbed my 24-week old baby bump. “She was exciting last night.”

“But I did hear from you..... Screams.” Teasing, Josh served me breakfast.

“My husband is demanding,” I smirked.

He laughed. “Where are boys?” 

“They must have run to Mom and Dad.” Assuming one common routine, I shrugged off. I know, Bear and Cloud were trained enough to follow and protect my boys everywhere.

Synn found a Samoyed dog while jogging in the park in his university days, that little boy looked like a cloud so, naming him as a cloud with little training Synn gave us Cloud and later, my husband brought an Akita dog to complete our family. He was so fluffy that We named him, Bear.

“It's dangerous for them to run without an adult.” I was so happy that Josh was concerned about my boys. He loves both of them.

“My dogs are capable of killing anyone... Remember those men got killed.”

“They are well-trained.” Admitting, Josh got up. “Finish this... I have to go. Today, we have an important match. My team worked so hard.” Wearing, t-shirt, “thanks for letting me staying here.” he said.

“You are still here.” We heard an annoying voice, followed by barks. My boys are here. Turning, I see my family.

Archer and Armie took their plate from the kitchen platform and sat on the floor while Bear and Cloud looked at them. The way our dogs were trained was phenomenal. We worked hard on two loyal friends, and they have proved to be handy from time to time.

Last month, both dogs killed one of the kidnappers who was trying to kidnap my babies. Nadia is still out, looking for any chance to kill my boys.

“Where were you?” Glaring at my husband, I asked. I don't like him roaming shirtless. The last time, I saw him shirtless in public I discovered his infidelity.

“Our boys wanted to go to Park…” Kissing my head, he touched our girl. “Your brothers were with us. All the brothers.” He laughed.

“I need to leave. We will see you all, this Saturday.” before leaving, Josh did a few baby talks with my busy boys and run outside.

“He still loves you.” Sighing, Hunter acknowledged. Their friendship never revived but their dedication to each other speechless. They hate each other in front of everyone but cares for each other behind their back.

All these years, everything changed. Hunter looks like a homeless man with a hairy built chest and rugged beard. He took the job as coach of kick-boxing and looks scarier and just like Dad, he hired a CEO for Maxwell Dynamics.

We decided to stay at our house. Our home. Gran that left for us. Simple life with an affordable lifestyle. I am loving this idea of Mom.

Blaze inherited Morrison petroleum and declared openly that he is taking his mother's surname name as Dad releases all the files related to Steve Morrison. It was an excuse for Blaze, to get the name, Maxwell. Later, Blaze married Reyna which cause a lot of controversies. They were cousin publicly. The new affair between Nadia and Steve flowed into the air and finally, Blazed settled with Reyna. They are still trying for a child with no success. Blaze is afraid that his defective genes would pass to his child.

Two years back, Hunter and I got married. I was sent to rehab and while Hunter waited patiently for me. He even stayed at the porch when I rejected him, multiple times. He failed our daughter, Sophie. It was hard to move on without my Sophie. I was furious. I blamed Hunter for everything, later Blaze confessed his obsession with Maxwell Dynamics. I wanted both Maxwell dead. Not only that, but I kept my distance from them. Likewise, I needed Nadia's head, but that bitch successfully managed to escape, and we are still looking for her.

It took us a long path for Hunter and me, but I believe we can manage. Hunter always refuses to give up on us... On me. Once, he got a chance to talk, he proved to me that he is the better man, a better father... Better husband.

“You look tired.” Commenting, Hunter served food to thee, loyal bodyguards. Bear and Cloud.

Wagging their tail, he refuses to eat until I ate my first bite. These furry babies don't eat when I am in front of them. They wait for me to start.

“Hunter....” Calling him, I got his attention. “She will make it?” I asked with vulnerability caressing my belly.

“Yes... My baby girl is as strong as her mother.”

“Daddy.....when I will see her? I want to name her... Ariel.” Archer asked. We don't know who is elder and younger among my boys. But Archer is softer while Armie is little protective. They both have black hair and black eyes just like Hunter. They are identical, the difference in their skin colour. Archer has Olive skin like Hunter and Armie has light skin like me.

“Mommy... I want another sister to me.” Pouting, Armie demanded.

“Don't worry my boy... Dad is always ready to work on it.” Smirking, he told me his intention.

“I know.” I smiled, but the emptiness of missing Sophie will never go.

“Sophie is safe.” Hugging me, “And...... We are absolutely fine.” He assured.

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