45: Sea of Doubts

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Savvy's POV

“How're my babies?” With eagerness, I followed the hands of an emotionless doctor over my belly. This man managed to serve for years with his face. It's nothing new to me. Dad is the same. With nothing express, I see the same face as my father. Expressionless.

“Don't move.” Finally, he said. It was fresh to hear a new voice other than Tia Morrison. So, my conclusion is this doctor can speak.

“How are they?” I asked again, hoping to get answers. I deserve an update about my triplets. They are my babies. I have to know their condition to take care of themselves.

“We can't abort them.” He said without looking at me.

I panicked. “Abort?”

“Induced labour?” Tia Morrison asked with almost no interest.

“We have to wait for triplets to arrive.” He confirmed my fate. How could they all be so relaxed? I was already 26 weeks pregnant when they abducted me in front of Hunter. Antonio and Thomas were holding Hunter. They all were in front of me, even Josh was beside me, yet they successfully executed their plan and kidnapped me. They must have planned this for months.

“Wait... Till Dad reaches both of you.” I warned them. Doctor and Tia Morrison.

“This bitch is still alive?” Bea shrieked. Somehow, this wasn't surprising at all. Bea's presence.

Hunter ruined everything for me yet his plan backfired. His failed plans are the reason for my misery. He pushed Josh and Grace together that ruined my relationship with him. If we consider the story from Josh perceptive then, Josh Matthews is a victim. But at least, he got out of it. I am the one who is stuck, unaware of the future. Now, these samples are talking about killing my babies. No, this is not happening.

“You are still safe?” Tia mocked her and dismissed the doctor.

“Yes... Thanks to Steve.” Bea smirked. 

Bea knows Steve Morrison?

I haven't met Steve Morrison yet, even I believe Blaze is not aware of my abduction. Otherwise, I would have met him. Does he know what his mother did?

“You are with my husband again?” Scowling, Tia almost pushed me out of the bed. I can feel the tension between them. I know, their conversation will be entertaining. Maybe I could discover something useful.

“I am not with your husband... Hunter is my future.” Bea pushed to throw me on the floor, but Tia held me. “Steve is helping me to hide. Rogers and Rossi are mad.”

Supporting me, to stand “no scratch on her.” Tia glared at Bea.

“Nothing is special about her.”

“But she's useful.”

“You seriously believe that he would fulfil the deal.” Bea laughed mocking Mrs Morrison. Which deal?

“Yes, he will. He wants her. And I want my son to have the life that he deserves. It's a trade.” Tia was confident but I could differentiate her fear. No matter how hard she tries, I could smell her fear. She's scared than me.

“Fine, I will take Hunter away,” Bea said looking at me. She believes I am in love with Hunter Maxwell. I am in love with him, but my love is not blind that I would ignore what he did neither I am willing to forgive him. Likewise, my love is not toxic that I would stay with him and play 'happy homes' with him. If he wants me and our children, he needs to work to earn us.

“And Hunter will come with you.” Now, I mocked Beatrice Shaw. This bitch lives in a fantasy world. Her sister hates her, her Ex-husband hates her, so what makes her believe that she is someone special?

“Oh, dear...” Cooing me, Bea touched my baby bump. “These children will make him come to me. They are mine. Hunter and mine.”

“As if I would allow you.” I scoffed at her over-confidence. Bea is bipolar. I never noticed her. It is not Valerio Rossi who need Dr Caius Solomon. It is Bea, who needs counselling, therapy, and rehab.

“She doesn't know,” Bea remarked. Her amusing smile indicates worse.

“She doesn't need to know.” Tia shrugged off and was about to walk away. But Bea stopped her. “She needs to know.”

“It doesn't matter if she's aware or not. Her fate will not change.” Tia rolled her eyes.

“What is happening?” I demanded.

“She's still feisty.” Tia glared at me. “I don't know what is so special about her?”

“Her face... She looks a lot like Abigail Evans.” Bea was about to grab my jaw but instead met with my slap. I am not that poor pregnant lady who is easily scared if anything because she's pregnant and needs help. I am capable enough to kill this both bitches.

“Don't do anything with her pretty face. He wants her all beautiful.” Tia dragged Bea away from me.

I couldn't help but smirk, knowing that I have the upper hand. I could do anything, and they have to tolerate me.

“I don't like her,” Bea commented.

“Neither I.” Tia joined.

“My feelings are mutual too.” I declare.

“I want to see your pretty face when I'll take away these,” pointing at my triplets, “mini Maxwell,” Bea said.

“And I want to see your ugly face when I will take away your life.” I challenged Bea.

“Before that Steve will make your life hell.” Tia laughed like a madwoman.

I haven't seen Tia Morrison laughing. Her laugh is not genuine, it's forced. Something lunatic. Creepy. She's scaring me for the first time, without doing anything.

“I wanted to kill you the moment I saw you... Your mother ruined my life. My marriage. My love.” Grabbing my neck, “have you ever thought about why your parents lived in a trailer for several years.” Tia asked crying.

“Because we were poor.” I managed to say.

“No.... Mark had money. He was hiding. Your parents were hiding.” Leaving me, Tia wiped her tears. “You don't know what we faced because of Abigail. And now, you will pay for it.” Storming out of the room, “Beatrice, come otherwise Steve will drag you out.” Tia yelled.

“Hunter is mine... If he thinks, getting Reyna will help him then no, he's so wrong.” Bea screamed at me while leaving.

Both women were not clear with their story. I wonder how they graduated when they can't narrate the simple story from their perceptive. However, I managed to gather a few reliable information.

First, Dad knew Steve Morrison from the beginning. And I am assuming it has to do something with a photo of my parents from the orphanage.

Second, Hunter kidnapped Reyna... If I remember, Reyna Maxwell is his cousin. Daughter of Nadia and Gage Maxwell, which makes her Hunter's half-sister. She was there when I discovered Hunter and Bea.

Despite all these, I wonder how Bea knows Steve when Hunter mentions her affair with Blaze. 

What is happening?

Where are you, Dad?

“Hunter.” Screaming, I threw my untouched breakfast on the floor. “You started it.” His plan failed and he got me pregnant. I was happily aborting until I saw my children. “You will pay for the rest of your life, Maxwell,” I vowed.

“You hate Maxwell?” I heard a new voice.

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