8 : False Claim?

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Savvy's POV

“One floor above.” I chanted, again and again. I can't believe it, Hunter Maxwell was near me all the time. He never left. Like a creepy stalker, he lived above my floor and stalked me. Even he dares to rape me.

Instead of walking back to my flat, I reached his floor and looked at the nameplates to find his flat. Finally, when I found his flat another shock hit my body. It was just above my flat.

He is creepy.

While entering into the building, I noticed a familiar Mercedes SUV. I was so habitual of seeing that car in its parking that I never noticed the owner.

"He is here in the city from the past 6 months." The announcement of Grace rang in my mind, continuously. Alone and confused on the floor, I estimated and concluded that he wasn't in the city from 6 months. He has been in the city from last year. At least, I have been seeing this car from last year.

“Maxwell, you messed with the wrong person.” I knocked patiently and waited for the answer. But nothing was available. Locked door, I could tell the lights were off, but his car was parked outside.

Opting stairs to reach my flat, I took my precious time to reach my flat where stood a man with sweat slipping from his neck and spreading over his t-shirt. This man was working out. This man is Hunter Maxwell.

Possessed by the thought of revenge, I clenched my fist tight and stormed towards him to finish his story of a life, but he stopped me. He perfectly blocked me as he has been in practice. Like the old days. He was better. He used to practice every day and that's why dad offered him the role of my bodyguard whenever Dad wasn't available.

“You are out of practice, Ms Rogers.” He mocked me and stepped back to create a safe distance, for him.

“How dare you!” I growled at him.

“I am the daredevil.” He smirked.

“You- rapist,” I yelled and charged at him.

“Ms Rogers, the situation is the other way…” He moved right effortless, preventing my hit. “You are a rapist.” He chuckled and bend down again, successfully defending himself. “I took my revenge.” He caught my arms and brought me close to his eye. I could feel his knees bending so that he could reach me. “I wasn't aware that your ass was a virgin. You were lasting, last night.”

“It still pains.” I glared at him and was about to hit his jewel but blocked my attack with legs.

“But you are still feisty.” Creating a distance again, he walked to the door and walked back to me with a brown paper bag. “Birth control. I left a few this morning, but I am sure you haven't consumed them…take them or else witness a little Maxwell running around.” He taunted me. He believes I will be a bad mother.

“I will be a good mother.” I was offended by his laugh.

“You are wrong... No one is good, until a child lands in the arms.”

“You know nothing about dealing with a child,” I disagreed. My family have so many children. Including me and Suri, mom claims herself as the mother of 8 children. And it's an open secret she wants another child, who would be an exact copy of Dad.

“But I do know about parents....” He clenched his jaw and closed his eyes. I think I triggered something in him. “If you fell pregnant with a child who would be having half of my DNA, then it would be your responsibility.” Walking towards me with his calculated steps, I observed his sad eyes. “You fucking raped me. Whatever I did to you, I am not sorry for that. I enjoyed that. Watching you, begging me to stop. If you haven't noticed then I did a good job last night. You should see yourself naked. I left my presence all over your body.”

“I don't remember anything.” I fumed with anger and charged at him. My attempt to attack him this time was victorious. He was stunned and failed to defend himself.

Landing on the floor brutally, he groaned. He is lying. He is the one who took my advantage. I didn't do anything. And now to save his ass, he is blaming me.

“Savannah.... Don't touch me.” He shrieked. “Filthy woman.”

“Maxwell... You are the rapist. Not me.” I was about to hit but then, a pair of hand dragged me away. “Leave me... I will file charges against.” I kicked in the air while the hands were busy in dragging me.

Suddenly, the wave of electric shock hit my vagina and Butt and I cried in agony. He did this. Hunter Maxwell did this. He raped me.

Seeing me in pain, everybody halted. I noticed my neighbours were around and Tim, another neighbour was the one who pulled me.

“Savvy... Are you fine?” Tim asked but I couldn't answer him. My focus was my pain. “Bro, did you hurt her.” Tim removed a few strands of my hair from my neck and then, gasped. “He did this.”

The reaction that everybody has been giving me from the morning, confirms what Hunter said. He claimed that he left the evidence of presence all over my body and this morning I was so busy that I didn't look at myself.

“She raped me.” I heard Hunter defending Himself.

His declaration was like a mockery and my neighbours started laughing at him. Everybody believes only females are the subject of sexual exploitation. Is it true?

“I knew, nobody would believe me. Men get raped too.” Hunter sounded frustrated. “I knew no one would believe me that's why I did what I felt right. Stay away from me, Ms Rogers.” I heard him rushing around the floor. “I will get a restraining order against her.”

“Savvy, need help?” Time asked and I nodded.

“The bag,” I mumbled and then, I heard someone followed us.

“Was he bothering you?” Tim asked as soon as I settled down In my drawing-room.

“We are frenemies…” I tried to laugh but both the boys, Tim and Cole looked at me with no expression. “Friends plus enemies.” Hearing my answer, they nodded in sync. “Thank you for your help. He will not bother me. Trust me.” convincing them was difficult than assumed, but they left.

When I was alone, the only thing that resided in my mind was Hunter's claim. He was raped last night by me, and he took revenge.

What happened last night?

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