44: Cousin Vs Cousins

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Hunter's POV

“Do you still think... This stupid stuff would work?” Blaze yelled from the other side of the call.

“Cousin... Cousin... Is this the way to talk to your younger brother?” I cooed him. I begin to like these games. Extraordinary games.

I knew from the beginning, he was the one at Savvy's flat, even he sneak in many times in Gran's house. I realize the moment I enter the house. Something wasn't right. I surveyed around the house and I discovered the mystery. Someone soundproofed MY house and the next day, I installed the camera. This Morrison thinks they are ahead of me, but he is so wrong. 

Thanks to Blaze Morrison. He made a few things easy for me. I love to watch him making a fool of himself in my house when he thought no one is watching him. He thought I didn't know his moves. I enjoyed this game.

It was remarkable to see his face when he received the news of my first step towards the victory while I was sitting in front of him. Renya Maxwell is missing. The Best moment of my life.

I usually made sure to keep the door open so that whenever I yell for Savvy so that she would listen to me. But that evening, he crossed the limit. He locked her alone in the house with no food and water supply. She's scared of the dark. She is Nyctophobic. Furthermore, she's not aware, neither we told her. She thinks it's her habit to keep lights on. She never noticed it but from that evening when Drake almost raped her and killed Emily, she's scared of Dark.

“As you accepted me as your elder brother... Then how about you tell me where is Renya?” Blaze asked again.

“I thought you are a good businessman.” I couldn't control my emotions and laugh. Loud. This bastard thinks taking my girl away from me when she was in front of me is fine. Then the answer is, no. It is not fine. I am not fine. I want my girl. The mother of my children with my children. Alive. And fine. “I made it clear. Woman for a woman. Give me my girl and take your girl.”

Blaze hissed. “She's not my girl.” I could hear him throwing whatever thing. He says Renya is not his girl then why her absence is bothering him. “I am giving you the last chance.”

“The truth is I gave you the last chance, and you lost it.”

“I am still committed to deal. I stayed away from her, and I don't know where is Savvy.”

“That's Mrs Maxwell for you.”

“Are you sure she will marry you? Your best friend told her about your failed plan.” He intentionally mocked me. This could be his death warrant. But I knew his importance. He will lead me to Savvy, My Savannah.

“I am not in the mood of discussing my future with you.”

“I went to your house because I lost my credit card there. I needed it. Otherwise, Mark Rogers would have got it. I keep my life low profile, but that doesn't mean I am invincible. It would take a few months for both of you to dig everything about me.” He admitted with animosity and that's my signs of victory. He is scared of me.

“One of your secret will be your end.” I taunted him reminding him that I am aware of his secret. “Think about my offer. Find my girl, then take your girl. Give me my company, and I will never utter a single word to anyone about your history... Consider it as my mercy for you.”

Without hearing another word from him, I dismissed him. His annoying voice reminds me of the betrayal Gran and I suffered. He blamed me for everything, but I believe it all started with Blaze Morrison. He started it. All of these.

“Hunter....” I heard a cute voice. “You miss... Savvy.” Silver walked towards me. I nodded. “I miss her too... Suri said she's in danger.”


This girl will never understand. I know she has that absurd policy of being honest but at least, she could have thought about kids. Savvy is the eldest among all of them, these little siblings love her.

“Savvy will be back.” Assuring her, I left her with Jenny and Eli.

“Don't say anything to Suri.” Jenny pleaded. “She tolerated a lot... And refuse it to share with us. Her life taught this.”

Agreeing with Jennifer Garcia, I reached my next destination. We all are eagerly waiting for Suri to talk to us about her life in Schmidt brothel. She lost her mom, Cheryl. Although her biological mother is Katelyn Rossi, Suri always called Cheryl her mom. For Suri, the first wife of Antonio Rossi, Cheryl is her mother. And Suri never talked about her life or her feelings.

When I reached the cell. Screams greeted me. I admit as a child whenever I visited the private cell of Mark Rogers, I was terrified. Mr Rogers would keep men as well as women here for interrogation and when work is done, they are released. But the way he interrogated is horrifying. I threw up for a week when I first time witnessed his interrogating. Now, I realized why everyone called him real Schmidt.

Schmidt was known brutally and people believe I will carry this legacy of Schmidt because I am Maxwell by blood, but it was Mr Rogers who taught me about life. I am a merciless fighter while kick-boxing. I love torturing instead of killing.

“Trust me, I will kill this bitch.” I see Beth yelling at Renya, who is scared and tired. “Where is my daughter?”

Crying, “I don't know.” Renya said.

“I still remember a few years back, it was you scared as hell...” Pointing at Renya, “in place of her.” Mr Rossi said. Antonio Rossi looked at Beth with amusement. He looks impressed by the evolution of her, from Elizabeth Bell to Elizabeth Rogers-Schmidt.

“But she didn't do anything, she was framed.” Mr Rogers scowled.

Ignoring Mr Rogers, “I have a better option. I am sure she will speak after that.” Valerio Rossi suggested.

“I want to talk to her.” Interrupting the audience, I stepped towards my cousin who gives me hopeful eyes. “Where is Savannah?” I asked squatting down.

“Hunter, I promise we will never bother you. Just let me go.” Renya offered. But it was useless. I knew Nadia will never hand me Maxwell Dynamics. She shed a lot of blood for the company, gave her whole life. It's too late for Nadia to give up.

“My little cousin... You still believe I am a fool.” I grinned. I knew my smile is creepy, and she's to scare for her life. It is everything I want now. No more hiding. The past 15 years were enough for me. I will face them, defeat them, and will live my life the way I deserve.

“Blaze will destroy you. “ Her empty threats made me laugh, soon everyone Rossi and Schmidt including Victor joined me.

“Girl still think Morrison boy will come for her.” Sara mocked her.

“I offered him my deal... I want my girl, my children, and my right. My company. In exchange for you... But he didn't show interest.” Informing her, I patted her cheeks. “He never loved you. Nor your mother. You were just a pawn. Just like me.”

“You don't know him.” Sobbing, Renya said.

“I was ready to accept him as my brother. To forget our past. He wanted my girl. He started. Everything started with him. His birth changed everything.”

“He never chose any of these.” She defended.

“No one chooses that life... They destroyed his life... Just like yours.” Mr Rogers caught my attention. “If it's not Blaze then I think, I know who kidnapped my daughter.”

“Is it that man from Orphanage?” Sara asked.

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