19 : A Maxwell

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Hunter's POV

Trying to stop me from falling over the girl who is busy sucking my cock, I planted my palms over the walls. It was supposed to support me but I failed. I couldn't stand straight. My legs are getting weaker with her every suck. Not because she is amazing but because she is not as good as Savannah.

Se eh...

She knows nothing about sucking. Savannah is best.

“Stop,” I ordered her, but my order was unheard by her. Why she has to be so clingy?

“I want you inside me.” Purring, she licked my almost hard cock. The poor girl had to work hard to get this stage. She is tempting but she is not Savannah.

“ I already told you, I am not in the mood.” Developing a safe distance, I adjusted my shirt and zipped my pants. I have made clear to her that whatever happened, is called as a one-night stand.

“You looked stress.” Biting her lips, she failed again to seduce me. Can't she get a hint from her failed 3 attempts in this month... I don't want her. Not after what I had with Savannah.

“Ms Lewiston, you should prepare for the meeting or else you will be fired.” Glaring at her, I put on my blazer.

“Yes, sir.” Bowing down her head, she waited for me to leave. Damn! The nerve of this girl. She followed me into the men's washroom. I will have to talk to Blaze. He needs to fire her.

“Leave me alone, right now.” Demanding privacy, I proceed to wash my face. I need to wash my manhood as well. It feels dirty with her saliva.

A wave of nausea hit me, and I puked, remembering other women's face, their voice while I was fucking them. Gran raised me well, Mr Rogers trusted me with his daughter. Those women deserve respect but I never wanted them. I needed a release.

“Hunter....” I heard Blaze calling me. “I saw Claire leaving the washroom. I know you are here... Open the door.”

“I heard you.” Yelling at him as an answer, I checked my appearance. I start to despise myself. I grinned like a fool in front of Savannah. The plan is simple, no distraction until success.

My reaction must have given mixed feeling to her. I made a joke about myself. It was me who demanded an abortion even before she was pregnant and when I learnt it's not a baby... It's babies, I lost control over my sense and grinned.

The sudden appearance of Mr Rogers was understandable, last week. I knew what he wants. He wanted my life. I assumed, he would first torture me to death but instead, he asked me the reason for my irresponsibility. He just wanted to know about the father. Not the incident that happened between from parking area to her flat, which means he respected his daughter's privacy.

“We need to talk.” Blaze banged again.

Before opening the door for him, I exercised deep breathing. Rechecked my outfit. My goal of today was as clear as water, I have to intimidate every person in the room. They need to know, the deserving person is me and I will not give up for what my mother and Gran fought for. They both were murdered.

“What you want?” Opening the door for him, I met his challenging eyes. Although Blaze Morrison tries to behave polite and genuine, I could feel his dark aura. There is something dark inside him. But I am darker. I filled with the determination of revenge, justice. I was carved into a professional survival.

“Your idea of this donation is costing a lot.” Anger dripped from his voice, but do I care about him?


I don't give a shit about Morrison. They don't deserve any time from me. Or from anyone. They are nothing but cheaters, liars.

“I know... My target was to improve our image. We were being called a killing machine.”

“It's not our fault that the world is fighting.”

“We were titled a killing machine because we are a manufacturer....” I laughed at him with confidence. The level of my confidence hiked when I realize he has no idea of ground reality. It means I am many steps ahead. “World knows about Mafia being real. Who were the suppliers to Rossi?.... Manufacturers. Not only us but many. So we are doing what other manufacturers are not doing.” I smirked to demoralize him. “We are apologizing. Trust me, this will help us in the future.”

“We are facing a loss, in the present.”

“I am here to save the future...” I said before walking towards the meeting room.

Every step towards the room was tough, I wanted to run back to the woman carrying children. This has been the same condition since last week. I was ordered to clean the mess. How will I do that?

Mr Rogers knew about I am up to something. I could have asked for his help. He has been helping us since he found Me and Gran, in the street. He hid us, fed us, kept us, gave a roof, gave the job to Gran, even provided me with the part-time job of being the bodyguard of Savannah at school. I already owe him a lot, asking for more from him was against Gran's rule.

My deadline is 2 months. How will I finish everything, when it took me 2 years just to start my plan? It consumed 20 years of Gran's life to prepare a plan. But I am desperate to finalize the plan.

The reason of eagerness is Savannah. I made sure she hates me, so that in raged she would go for abortion but no, she is keeping the children. She has the potential to give me a family.

Do I love Savannah so much that I could build a family with her?

I don't know.

I and Savannah shares the same life journey. Our results were different. Her parents were alive, yet she was alone, and I was alone because my parents killed each other. She turned into an annoying teenager and everyone avoided her while I was surrounded by people training me, to be the man I am today.

“Mr Maxwell, we are ready.” Natasha... No. Natalie. Whatever. Lewiston girl called me. I liked she didn't jump at me. I think she learnt her place now.

“Good evening, Members of board. CEO, CFO... I looked around to see anyone else. That's when I see, Rossi brothers, Antonio and Valerio. Their dark eyes glared at me. This implies they know me as soon to be a father. “As well as Rossi...” I started my presentation with the hope that Savannah doesn't come into my mind.

The mother of my children has fucked up with my mind. Before her, I was focused and determined, but she stormed back into my life. Not with a kid. But with kids.

I was able to manage everything. Now, I have to make sure her safety, not that I doubt Mr Rogers, but I don't trust people around me. I am surrounded by liars, greedy people. Surviving is a difficult task. Her presence will either help me to achieve success or this time, they will finish everything left.

“I have a question for you...” Mr Rossi asked looking at his younger brother, Valerio. “What makes you think we would trust you with this project?”

“Because I am a MAXWELL.” Answering him, I waited for another question, but I was gifted with a vicious smile by Rossi brothers.

Be careful, I know your secret.” Fishing out my vibrating cell phone, I read the message.

What the fuck? Who knows about it?

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