22: Is it a beginning?

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Savvy's POV

Hunter hummed Gran's lullaby while he moved around the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Periodically glancing at me, he smiles before continuing his work. I wonder he learnt to cook. When we were kids, he loved to eat and eat, without any gaining weight. Blessed soul.

“Please sit, I have to tell you.” I knew I sounded desperate, but it is an important matter, and he is blowing our conversation that would decide our future. I don't know if I want him, but I am confident about one thing, he is a family man. Gran described his desire of being the best father or husband. His father killed his mother and was abusive to him, he never wants to repeat the cycle.

Hunter Maxwell grew up with Gran as his only family. Dad joined all the games and all the events to cheer him up. I wonder why he never considers adopting Hunter.

The attraction of Hunter for me was equivalent to an invention for me, that I learnt late. I never fantasized about him in THAT way. But today, he is the father of my children. However, I don't remember anything about it. Sometimes, I doubt if he is the father. What if he is building up everything and someone else is the father? What if Hunter is feeding his satisfaction of having me with his lies?

“Let me give this, a final touch. And then, we are ready to talk.” He mumbles while pouring honey on my pancakes. That is delicious. I couldn't wait.

I almost run back to my room for the report, when he was spreading handmade treats for me on the table. I am eager to eat, but this conversation is important too. He claimed he wants children but this would be the next level for him.

My family is ready to support me, but Hunter has no family. Yes, I am selfish, but I have to think about my children. If Hunter is financially not ready then we have to start to work on it.

“Don't run away... My kids are hungry.” Hunter passed pancakes to me. Mentally counting the variety of pancakes, I jumped and dig in.

“I brought this... Have a look.” I tried to speak with my mouth full of treats and moaned with contentment. Hunter knows how to cook. He would be a good breakfast cook for children.

“What is this?” Hunter boomed and glared at me with his signature anger.

“Sonography.” I managed to say with food-filled in my mouth.

“It doesn't look fine.”

Swallowing my food, I sat on his lap and his hands travelled over my stomach as if he is protecting our kids. I did this subconsciously, I enjoy him around me. Maybe this is because I subconsciously accept the fact that Hunter Maxwell is a family man. Perfect for my children; our children.

“It is normal... That's baby A and Baby B...” Pointing at the babies, I look at him. “And this is baby C.”

“So....?” He asked and raised his eyebrows. “That's A, B and C. What's the issue? Why they look like three babies in one?” He sounded like a fool.

“Because it is.”

“Yes, I understand there are three babies in one, but it doesn't look norm....” Stopping at his idiocy, he frowned with confusion until realization hit him. “There are three in one?”

I nodded.

“There are three?” He asked again and his voice cracks.

“Yes... There are three in one.” I almost cried.

“We are having three babies.” He beamed and wiped my tears. “Why are you crying? Is it a bad thing?”

“You will not leave?”

“You want to get rid of me?” His voice held solemnity. “If you keep my kids, then you are stuck with me... I am not leaving either you will leave me for any other man. I am maybe toxic, but I already let you go once and see what happened? Bloody boys bet over you and Josh won....”

“You knew?” This was shameful. Josh made all the boys stand out of the room to hear my voice when we gave our virginity to each other. It was humiliating. He apologized and made amends with me. It took years but he won. Finally, I decided to give him a chance once I realized Hunter is no longer around me.

“Of course, I wasn't heartbroken because you slept with him. It was your choice and I accept that I didn't hold that place in your life... The reason was that you threw this incident at my face.” His black eyes turned emotionally dark. “You behaved like you were proud of it... I made sure that he confesses everything to you. But surprisingly, you let him live.”

“You hit him?” I said remembering Josh's broken hand. I wonder how they managed to keep their friendship alive for years.

“I was fond of him. Despite everything, he was like a brother to me until now. I couldn't raise my hands on him but... It doesn't mean I couldn't do anything.” His body relaxed. I knew he is enjoying whatever he is recalling.

“This must be Dad... You dragged Dad in my matter.” another embarrassment, dad knew what a fool his daughter is. The attention of others was something that I never enjoyed, this was one of the reasons I was annoyed by Hunter's presence. Girls glared at me with jealousy as they thought Hunter and I are dating while boys followed me as Hunter was always around me. Hunter was quite popular among students. He was a kind-hearted, funny, bright student and a good player.

“You are his matter... You are his daughter. And now, you are my matter too.”

“I can take care of myself.” Pushing him away, I tried to get up, but he held me still in his lap.

“Just like you took care of Josh… Or Drake.” He mocked me and I was humiliated. This was his intention. No matter how mature we try to behave, we will always fight.

“Not everyone is perfect as you.” Pushing him away, I struggled to get out of his suffocating arms. I thought we could work together for kids but no, he sees me as an immature girl like I was when we were teenagers. “You can meet kids whenever you want... Thanks for breakfast. You can leave, I don't need you anymore.”

“You need me more than you anticipate.” Again, he is accusing me. “I told you... If you continue this pregnancy, you will be stuck with me forever. I have always loved you... And you gave me three reasons to try on us.” Carrying his desperate himself, Hunter forcefully hugged me. “You behave immaturely... And you have nothing to be ashamed of. This is you... An immature perfect Savannah. This is the girl I fell for. That makes you more attractive.”

“I was a fool... I never realized your feeling.” Relaxing in his arms, I listened to the storm in his chest. “I could have stopped you from having any of these feelings. You....”

“You are not a fool. You have trust issues... I am ok with that. This makes you protective. A perfect feature that I need to have in the mother of my children.”


“Don't trust anyone. Not even me.” He whispered like he is speaking a secret. “Follow your intuition because Chaos is about to hit you.”

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