26: Ignored conversation

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Savvy's POV

The 'calmness before the storm' is what I felt When I entered into my flat. Everything was clean. Things were back to its place, and I was panicked. I remember leaving the mess everywhere in the flat before leaving. But it is clean. Someone is here.

Holding my F-S knife of 6.5-inch blade gifted by Valerio, I targeted the intruder hiding in my den. Hunter already informed me about his job for a week. So there is no way he is back. Someone else is here and 'that' someone has invited the death.

I searched around the flat in search of the soon-to-be-death person with light steps. Like a lioness for its prey. For a while, I doubted Hunter's presence as the flat was clean. He is a freak. Cleanliness is a sensitive topic for him. Gran raised him well. He is like an ideal man, and his clothes are missing. He put his clothes in the laundry basket, but clothes are absent so, I am sure Hunter is not here.

“You are out of the practice.” I heard a familiar voice as soon as I removed the bathroom curtains.


I see Maxwell wet. He is back and is now, covering himself with the towel around his waist. This is the only piece of cloth on his body. But he said he is out of the town.

Walking towards me, “How was the house?” And pulled me into a heart-stopping kiss.

Pushing him always, “I didn't allow to touch me.” I glared at him. “Sometimes, You are too touchy.”

“You didn't stop me either.” He smirked. “Tell me, did you like our new house?”

“I thought you gave it to me. my house?”

“Of course...” He pecked my lips before freeing me. “Your house. It belongs to us. Our family.”

“That belonged to Gran, It is not my place to claim that house. She earned it and your wife deserves this house.”

“Trust me, you will be next Mrs Maxwell.” He walked into my walk-in closet to get a dress. “You will never leave me.” Yelling, he sounded confident.

“What if the situation...”

Interrupting me, “the situation will always favour me.” He declared. “You raped me, and I was angry but... But. I am happy. You are the mother of my children. They will be safe and with us... For forever.”

“What happened that night?” I asked. “There was more than rape or sex. Something else happened.”

“Yes, and I want to discuss this with you... Give me 5 months.” He almost begs.

“Why I wait for 5 months when you will eventually tell me? I am already 9 weeks no... 10 weeks pregnant.” I screamed yet he didn't answer me. And, this was the reason I decided to leave him and relax. Just because he is insecure, it doesn't mean I have to stress myself about his shits. I have triplets to think about. Dr Morris strictly warned me about stress.

I cooked dinner. Initially, I wanted Hunter to start but then no. I am not cruel. He almost lives me and hasn't gone to his place since the day he decided to stay. He cooks for me whenever he is free. The food is delicious, healthy. I wonder if he spends his idle time to look for recipes for me.

“Savvy, I was supposed to cook.” He said and took the plates. Arranging the plates, he served us dinner.

“I can feed myself.” I scowled.

“I know, but I am feeding my children.” Taking the spoon from me, he fed me noodles. “You should worry about the house... Nursery. Kids.”

“You always try to avoid the most meaningful conversation..... We need to communicate about it. We are your potential family.”

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